Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Reviews

John asks…

Is this laptop good?

Ok I was looking to buy a desktop but then I decided to buy a laptop instead. I just need your opinion if this laptop is good.

Is this a average laptop?
I know it says ram is not upgradeable but it is I read the customer reviews and it says it is upgradeable and is the ram good?
How good is the prcessor?
Is the hardrive good enough to watch movies?
How good is the video card?
Will I only need a router or I’ll need additional stuff?
What softwares are there that I need?
Would you buy if you were 15 and didn’t have a lot of money?
Other things I need to know?

Heres the link

I know it is sold out but I’ll get it when they get more. I’m only going to use it for web browser, word processing, downloading and burning movies.

P.S. I’m not really a noob just want your opinions because I never had a laptop.
Of course I know you need a Internet service
I don’t want a desktop because I ralready have a pretty good 1

admin answers:

1. No. It is bellow average. But it is cheap….
2. I would not advise trying to upgrade the RAM, but you probably *could* do it without too much risk. It would probably void the warranty.
3. Good for the price.
4. One DVD-quality movie will be about 7 GB, so don’t plan on storing much on there.
5. There is none. It leeches off the rest of your hardware to get the pictures onto your screen. Don’t plan on doing any gaming or high def movie playback (anything higher quality than DVDs).
6. You will only need a router if you want wireless internet access in your house. You will, of course, need to pay the Internet subscription fees as well.
7. See 9.
10. Perhaps. I would go for a desktop so I could get more speed, but that is just me.
11. It is not advisable to run Windows on that computer (well, even less advisable than on most). Windows is too bloated, and it is too slow. Just grab a copy of Ubuntu Linux. It is a much better operating system, and will run on slower hardware. I run it on my computer even though I can easily run Vista. It is simply better.
Ubuntu is free software, as is almost all software for it.

Thomas asks…

Teens, how can I enforce these rules for my own teens?

Aside from not allowing my teens to have their own computers in their rooms, and the fact we only have 1 computer that it is in family living room where I can see it at ALL times, I have 4 rules when my teens choose to use the computer. I am having a hard time enforcing these 4 rules that I have put in place. Do you have any ideas on how I can better enforce these rules? Here they are:
1. ABSOLUTELY NO instant messaging or chat rooms.
2. ABSOLUTELY NO social network sites like Facebook.
3. Internet History CANNOT be “cleared” until I have reviewed it.
4. ABSOLUTELY NO Youtube unless the video you want to watch has been approved by me and its educational-related.
5. ABSOLUTELY NO downloading music or movies!

My current rule is if you break any of the rules above, you will be banned from computer privalages for 3 months.

admin answers:

First off, review these rules and consider the fact that there is in fact a positive to all of these things that you view as a potential danger in your children’s lives.
Chat rooms– I 100% agree with you…you can tell them that they are allowed to chat with any of there friends individually but chat rooms aren’t always so safe.
Facebook– Facebook is super dangerous and you can easily put a parental block on it with a password so that they won’t even be able to sneak onto it.
Clearing chat history– I believe that there is somehow a way to recover the deleted history so you should defiantly check into that.
Youtube–you should put a parental block with a password on this website and you can put in the pass code every time that they wish to watch a youtube video. This way, you know that you will be approving every video that they watch on youtube and you can feel more comfortable with the leaving them with a computer alone.
Downloading music or movies–downloading music or movies illegally is in fact extremely dangerous. You should allow them to LEGALLY download music. Music is actually a very important factor in a child’s teenage years. You can and should make sure that the music that they download is appropriate but other than that, I feel that downloading legal music should be permitted.

Also, you should consider changing the punishment for breaking rules to a week because three months is not realistic for a teenager. Teenagers really only live in the ‘now’ and cannot imagine three months ahead. After about a week or so of a three month punishment, you will probably not be a strict as you were in the first week and they will not believe that you are really punisheing them the next time.

Hope this helped!

Steven asks…

What is the font used for the title in Twilight?

I’m not talking about Zephry, or whatever it’s called. And i know about the bellaandedward site… the one with aro, and alice and edwards writing. I mean the one that has the little slash marks, or lines on it. like on the posters it will say “new moon” and has those slash marks..

a pic of it. i tried drawing it but didn’t even come close. is there a way i can download it or something for free?

admin answers:

Yes, there is, and i absolutely love it. I got mine for free at
its really good.
I hope i helped 🙂

Mary asks…

godaddy wont take down a copyright infringing site?

I found this website hosted with godday, and the website CLEARLY (Like, very very very clearly) has tons of copyrighted material on it. I sent in a report to godddady’s copyright email, and they sent me to some stupid term link and said I needed to be the copyright holders. WTF? The guy has movies and all kinds of stuff for download! How can godaddy just look the other way when someone reports it?!

How do i stop this guys website if goddaddy is trying to protect them!


Dear Dan,

Thank you for contacting the Copyright Claims Department. It is our
policy to actively assist with decreasing intellectual property
infringement on the Internet. We work regularly with both the courts and
law enforcement to ensure that this abuse is curtailed. Unfortunately,
your submitted complaint has been deemed incomplete.

In compliance with the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), we have
created a Copyright and Trademark dispute policy to help get this matter
resolved. You can review Go Daddy’s Trademark and Copyright Policy found
at the following URL:

We can not compile a complete notification (as defined by Section B,
Items i-vi) through a series of emails. Please include all six required
items in a single email. Once you submit a complete notification to this
department, we will take the necessary action as outlined in both our
stated policy and the DMCA.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at this email


Copyright Department

admin answers:

Unless you are the copyright holder, they wont do anything about it.

Like, if those are YOUR videos up there and you hold the copyright, yeah, go ahead, raise hell.

But if your just pointing out that its copywritten material, then they cant do anything because you dont hold any rights to that material.

Godaddy just registers domain names. They cant control what people put up unless it somehow violates their own terms of service by way of like, nudity or adult content or something

Lizzie asks…

Gigaybyte Motherboard, G31, E7400, 4GB DDR2 RAM, 320GB HDD and ATX Case Deal questions?

I’m planning to purchase new PC I did some shoping in jordan and I have some questions, please respond even if you don’t have answers to all the questions, thank you for taking the time,

First of all, Here is the parts I am considering to buy:

1. E7400 Intel Core2 Duo Processor
2. Gigabyte Motherboard G31 Intel Chipset
3. 4GB DDR2 667
4. ATX P4 Case

The above will cost me around 387$, I Intend to use on-board graphics and sound and ethernet, since I don’t need high-end 3D performance as I don’t play Games.

Secondly, this is what I Intend to do with my computer:
1. Play movies and audo
2. Video editing
3. Video encoding
4. Office or other productivity
5. Multi-task a lot, like listening to music, while downloading files or burning or encoding at the same time.

My questions are the following:
1. Will I be able to play 720p and 1080p video efficiantly?
2. Do you think 387$ is a lot to pay for these parts?
3. If i down-grade the processor to E5200, I will save 49$ do you think that is a good or bad cost saving considering what performance I will loose and the things I want to use my computer for? I can’t find any performance charts comparing the E5200 to E7400 so I don’t know how much performance I am going to loose with the E5200 if you have some reviews with performance tests please give me a link.
4. I need some price comparasions between E7400, E6850 and E8000 series
5. I read on intel’s site, that G31 supports HDMI output, but when I asked my vendor who uses Elite and Gigabyte motherboards and ATX P4 Case, that there is no HDMI interface with this motherboard or case, how can i get HDMI support do I have to use a difirent motherboard manufactorer or a difirence case?
6. Does Graphic Media Accelerator x310 which comes with the G31 chipset support a resolution of 1366 x 768? this is so I can hock up my Graphic output to the Sharp Aquos LC-42PX5M to view movies

admin answers:

1. Yes you will be able to very easily
2. Try shopping around a bit. I would try myself
3. I would not recommend downgrading. Here is a good deal for the E7400 on newegg:]
4. Again, newegg has a great utility for this.
5. Try shopping around, and I know it seems like I keep touting newegg unrealistically, but……
6. That is a definite non-standard resolution, so it seems unlikely but that is just a guess.

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