Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Linda asks…

plz help my with my fear with wachting movies?

ok dose any one know any good safe nonvirus gay movie sites and the thing is when u wach a movie u download it is that not a good way to get a virus or something
i am whanting to know about movies and how they could give viruses

admin answers:

There none

Ken asks…

Is downloading movies from safe?

Does it spam and/or give viruses? I trust the person who posted the videos… I googled it and found only one site that approved it (McAfee). Is it safe to download these videos?
P.S. Yes, I have Norton Antivirus.

admin answers:

Hey Maddy,
Yes, We use vimeo most of the time.
The site is safe, and only contains advertisements & things like that.
As long as you have an antivirus program (like you said you have Norton Antivirus) You should be safe as we have had no problems at all.

Calvin’s Network

George asks…

Any good torrent sites 2010?

Hi. I tryed to download a movie the other night from mininova (a popular torrent site) but I got a virus on my computer from it :S I only know to use mininova and Isohunt, but I find there arnt many uploads, or torrents on there (movies, music etc…) After the Piratebay went down, I hardly know any safe torrent sites to use now. it would be disappointing if I couldnt download anything any more.

Anyone know any good and safe torrent websites that I can use, and are quite popular?


admin answers:

There are underground sites that are VERY difficult to get into but if you cant thats your best bet.

I am pretty sure thepiratebay is back up? I was there 20 mins ago I think =/

Thomas asks…

Where to find movie downloads??

I have wasted hours and hours trying to find a EASY!! simple safe place to download some tv shows and movies but cant find a thing on any serch engine. It would have to be STRICTLY an OZ site and EASY TO USE no hire this hire that just click download and thats it.
All websites seem only let me hire and i refuse that
Tried bigpound I think that just takes me in circels and only lets you hire frist i aint doing that
WHERE is a simple stragight forward sight so can just simply downlod a movie???
No answers here yet any more.
I dont have a ipod thing whatever that is
that linewire is NOTHING what i am asking for!!! Please answer question
I want the acutal movies themselves! not some doggie software thing whatever it is. Is is so hard to get a straight answer anywhere??
Still no answers i give up sick people cant read!
I Said SIMPLE straight forward. ONly seem get junk diffult sites that take me in circules please have STRICTLY
an OZ Site ONLY!!! none of theese sites that sya download this download that I just want a SIMPLE single site go straight to dwonload a movie i want no stuffing around as wasted enough of time now SIMPLE,STRAIGHT FORWARD ANSWERS ONLY!!!!

admin answers:

Well, i find iTunes rather easy, but that’s because i have an iPod and experience with iTunes…
Don’t do anything illegal.
If you’re no paying for it, it’s pirating. Bad.

Susan asks…

Where can I download movies/music?

I tried Limewire even though I was warned that it is full of viruses. Sure enough, my computer was attacked. Now, I’m told that I can pay a few dollars a month for a safe site but can’t find out the name of such a site. I want to make CD’s and DVD’s. Any ideas?

admin answers:

Just let me know the music name, and let me download it and send you by email.

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