Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Michael asks…

were can i buy Arashi no Yoru ni aka Stormy Night movie?

Ok..Iv been wondering about that movie (Arashi no Yoru ni aka Stormy Night) if you have herd of the film or seen the film in full English dub plz for the love of god plz TELL ME iv seen part of a English dub of this film on but it only had 3 parts and then it cuts off there’s no more if some one put that on youtube then there should be a English dub movie some were that I could buy or download so let me make my pointif i did not all ready (If you know a safe site that i can buy or download plz tell me).

admin answers:

You can probably buy it in English dub from

Daniel asks…

Is there a risk in downloading torrents here in Saudi Arabia?

I use to download any kinds of torrents most likely movies. I downloaded a lot of movies now. But it came to my mind later on this question . . . . . is it safe to download torrents here in Saudi Arabia? The Government here has blocked all the Porn Related Sites. But Torrent Sites is not except those with Pornographic materials. Thanks a lot

admin answers:

I’d avoid any illegal activity in a country where they cut your hands off for being a thief.

David asks…

Has anyone used a site to download movies?

Can anyone recommend a safe site to download movies? Is it possible to save the music to an external hard drive one the movie has been downloaded?

admin answers:

Get RealPlayer 10 or higher. You can download any movie from any website in flash format (.flv) No watermarks, it’s for free.

Yes it’s possible.

Jenny asks…

How can I download a movie with sub title?

I want a way to safety download a movie with sub title for free. I live in a small country called Macedonia so I’m pretty much sure I can’t find torrents with sub title on my language. Before you answer please check if the site is safe. Thanks 🙂

admin answers:

There are sites with sub files just google [title] subs
The file will be srt
Make sure the movie and the srt are the same name and open both in ur vid llayer

John asks…

What is the best site to watch the latest movies?

the site should be safe, no viruses, spywares, etc. and also, the movie does not have to be downloaded.

admin answers:

You have exactly described the site that I use. Http:// It does all of that.

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