Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Steven asks…

How come my sister keeps on saying i will damage her computer by downloading movies by torrent ?

She says I will destroy her computer by downloading movies via torrent and told me to do it on my brand new windows 7 computer. My computer is brand new so i don’t want to do it on my new desktop windows 7 computer or my windows vista laptop. She has Windows Vista and her computer used to be my computer until my friend modernized it and put a new motherboard in.

admin answers:

Are you downloading something for free that should charged a fee? If so, you’re truely risking the intregrity of your system. Viruses/trojans/key-loggers, etc are wonderfully imbedded in pirated material. They are truely a source for malware (not everything has it, it’s just an excellent method for hackers to imbed their crapwares).

If it’s not your computer, don’t do it. Your sister is probably using all the sites (including work) that are known safe-material sites such as banking, research/training, news, blog-sites, etc.

You need to get your own computer.


Helen asks…

How can I download music for my iPod Touch?

I have an iPod Touch 4th generation. I have been using Frostwire to download the music I want, but here lately it won’t load and doesn’t have half of the songs I want. Is there any other website I can go to? Thanks.

admin answers:

Well, you could also try some audials light piece of software, it’s totally free plus pretty handy.

It can be used to download mp3 music off web streaming radios and it’s compatible with iTunes and iPods.

Besides that, it also acts like a personal media cloud by enabling you to access your files anywhere plus comes with an audials anywhere filesharing feature that allows you to share your music, movies and videos with your friends via invitation.

Whole lot safer than any music downloading sites, you can never know what sorta stuff floats round them.

Sandy asks…

Does downloading free ebooks from different sites online pose any threat as to my computer getting a virus?

I was thinking about downloading, but I don’t want to accidentally pick up a virus with the download. Do ebooks pose a threat in this regard? Has anyone ever had any problems with this? Thanks!

admin answers:

Well, I do hope that you have anti-virus software installed in your machine…that usually will stop about 80 to 90% of the viruses and other malware out there on the internets.

My general “rule of thumb” regarding the download of any material be it software, books, movies or music is this:

If you are downloading something for free, that you would normally have to pay for…be cautious, be very cautious…since the download in this case is usually illegal, with no controls or regulation, the downloads are sometimes loaded with viruses.

In others words, a free copy of a book on the NYT bestseller list, or a free MP3 of the latest Britney Speers song would be very suspicious.

On the other hand a download of an older, out-of-print book thats in the Public Domain (copyright expired) is likely legitimate and safe. For example, books from Project Gutenberg:

Just like everything else in life….if the deal sounds too good to be true, then it probably is!

Betty asks…


so i have been looking for a good site online thats safe, and i can watch free full length movies without downloading anything, know of a place? i will be very grateful, my girlfriend and i are trying to watch amelie tonight

admin answers:

Robert asks…

How do you get twilight clips for Windows movie maker with out downloading anything?

or if you know a trusted site that downloads the clips please tell.

admin answers:

If you want to use clips in Windows Movie Maker, I believe that they have to be saved onto your computer.
If you’re looking to use a safe site, I’d suggest downloading the latest version of RealPlayer (guaranteed to be virusless). After downloading that, you can go onto YouTube and use RealPlayer to save the steaming videos to your computer. From there, just import those into Windows Movie Maker & you’re all set!

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