Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Chris asks…

Free movie download sites?

I am looking for a safe website where I can download movies for free. By free I mean so member subscription, just a click, and download. Know any good ones that are safe and free?

admin answers:

OVGuide is a safe place to watch movies online. Everything on the website is free and there is no need to download anything. This website has lots of movies to watch so I’m sure you should have no problem finding what you want to watch.

Helen asks…

Safe movie downloading site…?

I know this question has been asked a million times but I was really hoping to find a free and safe website for full-length movies. One without viruses or bugs or any of that. Just to put onto iTunes/iPod and such. Any suggestions?

admin answers:

Since that would be illegal, any site with pirated movies would be unsafe by definition. Even if you avoid viruses, which is doubtful, are you capable of paying the $250,000.00 fine and willing to face the possibility of five years in prison?

Jenny asks…

how safe are torrent sites? safer than limewire?

my school tracks illegal downloading sites, such as limewire. I heard, though, that torrent sites are safer. my boyfriend told me that his school tracked limewire and frostwire and even movie downloading sites but that his roommate safely used torrent sites all the time. should I believe him? should I take the risk? cause if I do get caught, I would have to pay a fine and possibly be “kicked out” of the school’s internet system and have to buy my own set up.

admin answers:

Limewire and frostwire are not “illegal downloading sites”, but are P2P programs. You find .torrents on torrent sites to open in these programs and initiate the actual downloading. Its probably better not to risk getting banned from your school network though. Why not just download it @ home?

Sandy asks…

Where can I find this download for kuchisake-onna movie?

I live in the USA. I’ve been pretty interested in that glasgow smile, glasgow grin, chelsea smile, chelsea grin, anna smile, ect. I wanna see this movie((kuchisake-onna)), but i dont know where to get it. Like safe download sites and stuff. Help?

admin answers:

Below’s your request link upload for you 🙂

George asks…

good movie sites that are fairly safe?

anybody know any good sites where you can watch new releases/films that have just come into theaters?

(i use limewire for my music, and manage to avoid viruses on my computer when i pay attention to what i click on.
has anybody downloaded a movie off of limewire and actually got what they wanted?)

im not sure of a decent sight to go is. anybody who uses something they are content with please let me know. thank you.

admin answers:

Watch Full Movies
I watch many movies there for free and without signup required !

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