Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Linda asksā€¦

What are the consequences of downloading movies from a website illegally?

I have been downloading movies from a website recently and I’m starting to read about people getting letters from their ISPs warning them that they have committed copyright infringement. I do not plan to download anymore movies but if I were to still watch them on the website can I get in trouble for that? Would it be safe to keep watching them until I get a letter and then stop? Also, has anybody here ever been convicted of copyright infringement or know somebody who has and what it involves?

admin answers:

The mega corps are going after a few really bigtime downloaders, but rarely. You’d have to be doing a mountain of it for them to notice you, I’d say, other than to send threats.
There are sites you can use to hide your isp address, not that I’m encouraging you to pirate, mind you. šŸ˜‰

Mark asksā€¦

where to find music tracks to download to my pc for free?

I have Windows Media Player, and Internet radio, but want to find some old albums, and songs to download to my pc. Is there a way to download tracks from the Media Player to my pc? Thanks, Harold.

admin answers:

First thing’s first: DO NOT download Limewire. It gives a lot of viruses.

Instead I recommend torrenting, a way safer and easier way of downloading media. Download a BitTorrent client (ĀµTorrent works nicely). Then, go on to a torrent search engine website ( is the best), and find the file you want (e.g: movies, music, audiobooks, etc). Download the .torrent file. Then, open the .torrent file with ĀµTorrent. Once ĀµTorrent is open, a box should appear with all the files in the .torrent file. Select the files you want, and click “ok”. Then, just let the program download it for you. If you are experiencing speed difficulties, visit for help.
It would also be a good idea to see where the downloaded files are being placed. Right-click on the file and select “Open Containing Folder.” It should take you straight to the folder with the downloads.
The good thing about is that they virus scan each torrent before they publish it. This way it’s virus free =)

If you just want individual songs, then use the following sites:

Ken asksā€¦

What is the best and fastest free video downloader for youtube videos?

I am trying to download a movie in youtube, but i am looking for a faster downloader that is free.

admin answers:

“I am using a Free Youtube video downloader online site to get high definition video into computer. Even without any registartion or software downloading, I just click the button above the to download videos. It’s all free and safe. Love it.
Download youtube video:

The buttons I mentioned above is here, choose anyone to match with your browser:”

Michael asksā€¦

How to add Music and Narration together in Windows LIVE Movie Maker on Windows 7?

Hello, So I Have a Sony Vaio Windows 7 PC laptop and I am having trouble how to put TOGETHER Music and narration on the same spot. Every time I try to put them together, they always separate. Windows movie maker, before Windows 7 came out, was able to do this process. Now it can’t.
Please help. Thank you

admin answers:

Windows Live Movie Maker was a redesign to make it simpler for beginning video editors to use. It can no longer add narration to the audio track;-(

If you’re used to using an earlier version of Movie Maker (XP or Vista), you can download versions of these for Windows 7. You don’t have to uninstall Windows Live Movie Maker so, if there are some things you like doing with WLMM, you can continue to do them.

XP version 2.6. This version of XP’s Movie Maker was created for the few Vista computers that didn’t have the right hardware to run the regular Vista version. It uses all the of Movie Maker extras created for XP’s version 2.1. It runs on Windows 7 with no problems.

Vista version 6.0. This is the same version that’s on most Vista computers (including mine;-). It has to be installed with a Windows 7 installer. I use Blaine’s Movie Maker add-ons and know that downloads from his site are clean, safe and work. Blaine is the moderator of the WMM extras forums at He creates a lot of wonderful extras for Movie Maker.

Daniel asksā€¦

How can i download videos from youtube onto a mac?

How can i download videos from youtube onto a mac?

admin answers:

1 chose the video you want and copy its address.
Example: Address: “”
2. Go onto this site: i assure you it is really safe, i used it already, a lot. You can also convert other movies on there too. Put your email adress, and the adress of the page on youtube. And,
you will receive the movie in your email.
3 once you check your email you just upload the movie and tada!!!
For more information, visit youtube. They show it step-by-step.

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