Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Mary asks…

What is bit torrenting? Is it the same or different from downloading songs from itunes?

I have a friend who is not allowed to use bit torrenting anymore, whatever that means, because he is in the Navy. He just wanted a few songs he says.

If I buy him an itunes card for Christmas to download songs will that help him? Is that different than bit torrent and therefore allowable?

admin answers:

Bit torrenting is kind of illegal. It is downloading form websites that have these type of download files called torrents that people upload games,movies,music and software(applications) that might are actually needed to payed. For example, it is like stealing something and selling it for free, millions of them, they are unlimited. He is probably banned because of torrenting. And also it is not really like iTunes. You can download songs from one of a bit torrent site. How ever, it is illegal. Anyway, to download this files you need a download manger because it is not compatible with web browsers. You can download them safely form there original sites and these are the ones recommended: utorrent ( search it and the spelling is a bit different, the u is a Greek lowercase m) and bit torrent. The site i use is pirate . And remember this is illegal and millions of people still do it. It is not to safe to download torrents because they might have a virus. And also you even have a 7% chance of the FBI putting you in jail.

Paul asks…

Is it safe to download music torrent files? I heard the RIAA is no longer prosecuting private parties.?

Ive already gotten letters about downloading movie content(damn HBO) and want to know if I can safely download music now.

Please no lectures about how I’m hurting the industry. I dont need your self righteous babble.

admin answers:

No it’s not safe, if they catch you, you’re done. Not to mention all of the viruses associated with torrents. You have already been warned by HBO apparently, so obviously someone is on to you now aren’t they? If you don’t want our “self righteous babble”, then don’t ask for it. It’s not going to matter what anyone says anyway, you already have your mind made up, if one warning wasn’t enough for you. Maybe about $10,000 might make you change your mind, which is a more realistic fine from the RIAA. Also, your ISP can cut you off from going to torrent sites altogether, which the RIAA are doing right now in working with internet providers. But, they will still fine you if they catch you, don’t be fooled.

Charles asks…

Is it safe having 2 MMORPG downloaded on my computer?

It’s one of those games you download at sites like gpotato, nexon, and alaplaya. I’m just asking if its safe to do it.My hard disk drive has 137 out of 172 GB free (im using laptop). I don’t know that much about computers and stuff.

admin answers:

If its less than 35GB (which it really should be, because thats a big chunk of space) then yer fine. But if you want to clear up some more space, delete things that you don’t use ever, but only if you know what they are.

Movie files are things that take up a lot of space, so thats the easiest way to clear some room usually.

Also, you can install as many games together as you want, i promise you they wont fight with each other when you are away.

Donald asks…

Where can I watch Dear John online for free?

I’m looking for a safe site where I can watch the full movie but not download it.

admin answers:

I’d check project free tv [you’ll have to google it]… It’s free, safe, and has about every movie released in the past decade or so… No downloads are required

Ken asks…

How Do You Download Safely from Frost Wire?

Please give me some tips on how to download safely from Frost Wire?
I am planning on downloading a movie from Frost Wire and I’m scared I might download the wrong thing. Or, if you have any other better sites to download from, for free, please feel free to suggest. :]
Thanks a lot! 🙂

admin answers:

You can download movies from this site
you can download any movie torrent, using torrent client like utorrent.
It is safe.
Enjoy !

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