Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Donna asks…

My neighbour asking me to install his wireless router on my computer.Is it safe to share my internet?

My neighbour asking me to install his wireless router on my computer.I have heard sharing internet with someone with wireless router is not safer.should I proceed with him and let him setup a wireless router on my computer?I have verizon dsl on my computer tho.Any suggestions?

admin answers:

Just like anything, there are the goods and the bad when you let someone share your internet connection. To me it sounds like he wants to take advantage of your internet connection so he doesn’t have to pay for internet. You need to ask your self, “do I really trust this guy”

You are responsible for your internet connection. That means you have to follow the rules and regulations that your agreed to do when you signed up for internet. There are certain things that are illegal to download. If he downloads something like a movie for a peer to peer site and your isp notices it, you will be the one to get in trouble.

If you are going to let him share your internet, make sure You get full access to the router so you can block peer to peer downloads and agree that you only have the right to log into the router and change settings because you will have the password.

Your internet might get a little slow too if he is using it and downloading big files. And as far as him being able to hack into your computer, yes it is possible with the right programs and knowledge.

Laura asks…

How do I get the old Windows Movie Maker back?

I recently downloaded the newer version of Windows Movie Maker and now I can’t open my old files. I had a lot of videos saved to my old Windows Movie Maker and now that I have the new one I can’t open the files. A lot of those files are very important and I can’t afford to lose them. What should I do?

admin answers:

What version was the “old version”? Besides Windows Live Movie Maker, Windows 7 computers can run an XP version (2.6) or a Vista version (6.0) of Movie Maker. The Vista version has to have its dll files registered when installed so it comes in the form of an installer that will do this for you. Blaine is a creator of Movie Maker extras and is a regular contributor to I’ve downloaded multiple times from his site and it’s safe (well, safe except that I download too many of his custom effects, etc.;-)

The 2.6 XP version will open files created on XP versions 2.0 and 2.1 and files created on the few Vista computers that had to run 2.6. The Vista version will open projects created on Vista’s 6.0.


John asks…

What is the best website for watching free movies?

Preferably, i would want a website without download required, but if not it is okay. Also whatever the best one is, is it safe? Too many times have i tried to download something that seemed safe, but ended up spamming my computer with virus’. Please help ASAP!

admin answers:

Try this site:

Mark asks…

How does one lock their windows system down while using financial and Yahoo sites on the internet?

Orlandob says I need to lock my system down to protect against hacking and the like and that Windows Live OneCare, Windows XP and IE7 and financial software and Yahoo, Comcast and MSN and other news sites are doable without hacker problems with 384mb Ram and a 1GHZ laptop. What does he mean by “lock my system down”?

admin answers:

Hi skahhh, What is meant by “locking down your system” is a term used in the internet security crowd, and I apologize for not giving a better explanation for this in my prior answer.

Basically, it means to setup the computer to a point where your risks and exposures are at their absolute minimum. There are basically 7 things you need to do.

1/ Keep your Windows up to date through WindowsUpdate. Microsoft sends out new updates on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (known as ‘Update Tuesday’) which fixes known problems, as well as known exploits that the hacker community has found a way of taking total control of a computer or server. Usually, update Tuesday is followed by the hackers releasing new code to the community on Wednesday that exploits what Microsoft just fixed, knowing full well that ‘most people’ do not update immediately, or at all. This is known as a ‘zero day’ exploit. Just keep doing your updates, especially on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

2/ You need a firewall to protect yourself against someone even trying to remotely get into your computer. The one that is built into windows works fine, as long as there are no exceptions being allowed. Look in your control panel for this. If someone cannot even get into your computer, they cant do harm this way. You can only have one firewall running on your computer without causing problems and conflicts.

3/ One of the easiest ways to give you a virus is to send it to you in an email. Now, no one is going to say “there is a virus attached to this email, please open it and infect yourself”. Instead they say “enclosed are some naked pictures of Britney Spears. Enjoy”. This is called “socially engineered distribution”. Your knowledge of social engineering based malware should prevent you from opening this email, but you would be surprised at how many people would do it anyway. Never open an email from someone you don’t know, and always be suspicious of emails you get from people you DO know. They might be infected, and the virus is sending itself to everyone in the address book of the infected machine.

4/ Mentioned in my last answer, don’t go to the file sharing (P2P or Peer-to-Peer) sites to download free music or movies. These networks are known for spreading malware quickly, as you are actually getting these files from other peoples computers, which may be infected.

5/ Get a highly rated antivirus program and keep it updated (daily). You can buy the big ones like Norton or McAffee, but the free AVG and Avast (my personal choice) are also excellent. I say updated daily because when a new virus is detected in the wild, the antivirus companies produce a virus signature to detect them. This can be as simple as a filename that is always the same, or as complex as a behavior when it is executed. Like a firewall, you should only have one antivirus running on your computer.

6/ Spyware can be detected and eliminated by products like superantispyware, adaware, and spybot. You can run them all at the same time without problem.

7/ Lastly, your applications should be kept up to date. Even the free ones like adobe reader. Hackers have found ways to make these programs work for them too. The major companies are really good about issuing fixes. Suggestion: If you have Microsoft Office, use MicrosoftUpdate instead of WindowsUpdate.

I hope this clears things up, but this list is nowhere near complete, regardless of your operating system. As you can see, knowledge is what you need to lock your system down. With your financial management needs, you cannot ignore this.

Might I also suggest using Firefox instead of IE7? Not that it’s any better or safer, its just not targeted as much as Microsoft products.

Lisa asks…

How do you crop out a person in a video clip and then put the person on a background?

is it possible on windows movie maker?
do i need to use any other programs?
what do you know or suggest?

admin answers:

It is unclear whether you are wanting to capture this person from a video and place them into a still picture, or whether you are wanting to end up with them moving and talking in a new video clip.

If you are wanting to create a new video clip with just them in it, then Movie Maker can not do it. It does not have a masking feature which allows you to isolate one element in a clip like that. You would need a professional level program like Adobe Premiere or Final cut. Those will cost you several hundred to thousands of dollars to purchase.

If you are just wanting to capture one frame of the video, and crop a person out of it, then Movie Maker can help you. Bring up the image you want in the Preview window of Movie Maker and click the camera icon on the right under the Preview. That will place the frame into the Windows clipboard.

You would then open a graphic program and do a “Paste” to place that image into the program. Once there, you would use the selection tool (combined with the eraser to clear out around the person’s image) to select the person from the image. Then you would simply paste that person over whatever background you want to create the new image.

While you could do this using the Paint program included with Windows, it is difficult because the tools in it are so limited. Instead I would recommend downloading a better free program such as “GIMP” or “Paint.NET”. Either can be downloaded for free from CNET’s site – one of the best safe places to get free software on the Internet.

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