Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

George asks…

what is the best website to download software for mp3?

i have a mac. some of the songs i download from limewire need mp3 software to listen to them. i don’t have an mp3 player.

admin answers:

There are quite a number of site able to help you to do so.. Like limewire and bearshare, which is free but it is illegal and lot of virus on the song downloaded, which will crash your system easily.

As for some paid site, i.e. Mp3 rockets, which is only exclusive to member only, which is definitely the choice you will want to consider. They allow you to download unlimited mp3 music, video and movie. It is safe and they also provide 24x 7 hours support to member.

Get a review for mp3 rockets, Klite, limewire and more before you make your choice.


Mary asks…

Where can I download Norwegian Wood the movie that came out 2010?

I want to download the movie Norwegian Wood but I can’t find it anywhere on the internet. Can someone please tell me a working site to download it? With english subs and jap audio would be great thanks.

admin answers:

Instead of using the pirate bay as suggested above, I would recommend you join a private tracker. They are safer and don’t have fakes or viruses, the content is much higher quality. There are many dedicated to movies, one that would have the movie you are looking for is:

But there tons of other choices. You can get invites on the site above. You can be invited here:

Ruth asks…

how to time music with animation on ms paint and windows movie maker?

I want to create an animation using ms paint drawing it frame by frame and windows movie maker. How do I time each frame so it matches each lyric of the song? It’s gonna be a 3 minute animated music video.

admin answers:

Each drawing/frame will be like a slide. Import them and put them in order in Movie Maker and put the Song on the Audio line. Use the Preview Window to play through one lyric and click to stop it. Move the cursor over the right side of the “slide” until it turns into a double-headed arrow, click and drag the slide to where the lyric ended. (I hope you’re using XP’s or Vista’s Movie Maker because this is a lot easier to do with a Timeline.) You have to do this for each lyric you’re illustrating. And then you’ll probably still have to tweak it a bit.

Yes, it’s time consuming. After doing a couple of movies and some gif animations, I read that it took 2 months to complete a 30 second computer-generated commercial and I could believe it! Doing even the simplest video or, in your case, doing everything from scratch and then having to sync (pronounced “sink”, short for synchronize) the audio with the drawings, will give you a new respect for CG (computer generated) ads and movies. Imagine spending months and months and months doing it;-)

If you have Windows 7 and Windows Live Movie Maker, you can also download and use Vista’s version 6.0. It has both a storyboard and a timeline view and there are a lot of extras (most of them free;-) made for it. Blaine has both a 32 bit and a 64 bit Windows 7 installer. Blaine’s site and his downloads are safe – I know because I’m addicted to his transitions and effects which are excellent.

Oops! I think I misread your question. (How are you going to animate your drawings?) You have to time each lyric of the song and then plan the number of frames for each lyric using the framerate you plan to use for the animation. You can usually change the framerate using your animation software.

Example: A lyric lasts 10 seconds and your frame rate is 24 frames per second. This is 10 X 24 or 240 frames. Which means you want to decrease the frame rate to maybe 10 frames per second so you only have to do 100 frames. Yikes! This is still a lot of drawing… It all depends on the animation software you use. If it allows key frames, you’ll only really need to draw the key frames and the computer will fill in the frames between them.

Carol asks…

good sites for downloading a youtube video to windows movie maker?

ive been trying to find a way to make a video for a project im doing i need to use a youtube video and need a way to convert it to my computer…realplayer wont allow mw to move it to the movie maker and all the youtube videos are outdated and dont work….. does anyone know any safe Free sites?

admin answers:

You can’t move the video that you used RealPlayer to download from the RealPlayer screen because the video isn’t stored there it is stored in the RealPlayer Downloads file under your user name. Now to save problems working with this video in Movie Maker we first want to convert it to a wmv format. RealPlayer can do this. First open RealPlayer and click to play the video and then place your cursor on the video as it plays and then click Full Screen. As quick as it goes to full screen you’ll see covert at the bottom, click on that. Now in the window that opens you’ll see Convert To and to the left an arrow, click on that and another window will open. Click on Motorola Droid and then on Details beside it. When the next window opens make sure that under Video Details it reads Fromat–Windows Media and under Audio Details it reads Format–Windows Media Audio and then click OK. And click OK in the next window. Now in this window under the Convert To you’ll see Save In. It should say Save in Same Directory, if not correct it. Now click the green Start button and let it run. When complete close that window and RealPlayer.

Now go to your Start Menu and click on your user name. Go over and click on My Videos. When this library opens click on RealPlayer Downloads and locate the video in the list that is in a wmv format. Now from there you can import the video into movie maker. If you have any more trouble leave Additional Details or contact me at

Daniel asks…

Are there any good music sites out there besides Limewire where I can get free music for my MP3 player?

I wanna download more songs to my MP3 player, but I know filesharing is risky. Any other place that‘s safer where I can get free music? Thanks!

admin answers:

Try this site

Just write the name of the song or artist or Movie..and Search it..That’s it 🙂

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