Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Paul asks…

What websites can i use to Download free episodes of tv shows as well as movies?

The main show i want to download is The Simpsons and i want to know what websites i can use(not including Youtube) to DOWNLOAD The Simpsons and other tv shows and movies using an iPod Touch 4th generation by using the downloader on the iTunes app.

admin answers:

“I am using a Free Youtube video downloader online site to get high definition video into computer. Even without any registartion or software downloading, I just click the button above the to download videos. It’s all free and safe. Love it.
Download youtube video:

The buttons I mentioned above is here, choose anyone to match with your browser:”

Thomas asks…

How can i tell if Bittorrent is using a proxy i set?

So i set my Bittorrent client to use a proxy but i dont know how to check if its actually downloading the files through the proxy.

admin answers:

Be aware that proxies will not cover all the data being sent out by your computer over various protocols. Your true IP address is being transmitted and you can be sure the movie industry honey pot sites are set up to probe your computer for these addresses. You are not safe behind any proxy.

Michael asks…

Can someone tell me some steps to make torrenting as safe a possible?

I’ve already gotten one letter from cablevision, but i don’t have the money to buy all the movies, games, tv shows i want. So any links to a good program or whatever would help is appreciated(:

admin answers:

I received a warning letter from Virgin Media just last week, for downloading a perfectly LEGAL torrent, their mistaken assumption AND error was pointed out, and is now resolved.

It would seem however, you are downloading ILLEGAL torrents.

Keep in mind, Cablevision know EVERY site you have EVER visited, or will visit – next week or whenever!!

They are no doubt ‘monitoring’ your downloads, their warning?? Letter appears to confirm this.

Next step could well be termination of service altogether, and/or being blacklisted, as you’re breaking the T & C’s of your contract with them.

It’s your call, but I would be very, very careful, what and from where you download any files in the future.

David asks…

How do you save a video to your computer?

Hi, I have looked all around and I want to find a safe (for my computer) easy way to save youtube videos to my computer. I want to put it in windows movie maker, I have tried real player and the videos didn’t work on windows movie maker. Does anyone know a good way to download videos? Thanks!

admin answers:

Zamzar is an online file format conversion site which can do a lot more than just converting YouTube videos to another format and downloading them to your hard drive.
But I like this video download and convert tools; it can automatically download and convert online video such as youtube video to other video and audio formats for mobile phone, iPod, iPhone, Pocket PC, PSP, or Zune ect.
Also, you can find some other software:

Linda asks…

How do you get viruses on a computer?

I have virus protection, firewall and spyware to the max. My motherboard went out, the company who fixes it said that the system registry was severely infected with spyware and viruses including the memory.

I do not go to malicious sites, i just play on answers, check my email and my account.

I have a Toshiba satellite.

admin answers:

Just some of the ways to get one’s computer infected with malware:

Opening infected e-mail attachments. Never open an attachment unless you expect it from the sender. E-Mail addresses can be “spoofed”; the sender may not be who it says it is.


Clicking infected links in instant messengers especially incoming off-line messages. As in e-mail the sender may not be who you think it is. Never click anything with an .exe extension on it.


Not keeping your OS updated and patched. Windows has more security holes then a pound of Swiss cheese. Microsoft is constantly plugging these holes with updates. Hell, if one doesn’t want to use the Windows automatic updates, just tape a memo on your monitor reminding you to update Windows the next second Tuesday of the month. New Windows updates are released like clockwork, every month, second Tuesday.


Using Limewire or other P2P programs to download (steal) music, software and movies etc. Without paying for it. Many downloads using P2P file-sharing programs are loaded with malware. You will be downloading “stuff” from unknown stranger’s computers while they will be uploading from your computer at the same time. You do not download from any website.

It is amazing that people who would never accept and eat a sandwich from a stranger, don’t think twice about downloading a file to their PC from a perfect stranger, who lives half-way around the World!

If you don’t know the difference between a .wmp (good) file from a .wmf (potentially very bad) file, then stay away from Limewire, Kazaa,and all P2P programs. The same is true if you don’t know the difference between a song that is 25kb in size from one that is 3 mb in size. The smaller one is probably a Trojan, just waiting for you to infect your computer with.

P2P file-sharing is no place for computer novices. Even experienced expert users get infected using P2P at times.

If you must use P2P, always scan every file you download with your anti-virus and your anti-spyware before you open it.


Resist advertising with the word free in it! Free screen-saver…Free smilies… Free movie download… Free emoticons… Free MP3…Free music lyrics…Free avatars…Free weather in your tray…Free I-Pod… Free this…Free that…etc. If people would only stop and ask themselves one simple question before they click on anything. That ??? Is ” Why would anyone pay to advertise anything that is being given away free?”

All this free “stuff” often comes bundled with spyware, it is how they can provide it free and still make a profit. They get a commission for each piece of spyware installed.

Search Engines are a major contributor to this problem. Disguising paid advertising on the top and down the right side as “Sponsored Links”. These are often the biggest offenders. Just ask any 12 year old what a sponsored link is and(s)he is gonna go “Huh”, then proceeds to click a link and agrees to download something that (s)he knows nothing about just to get the lyrics to the latest Britney Spears song for free. BINGO, crapware just installed! These malwares are so often targeted to kids, just hopeing that they will in their naive-ness, unknowingly install this junk on their parents comp.

Don’t get me wrong. They is plenty of good, safe, malware free software out there. (All my software is free, except for Windows). But it is either software made by propeller-heads (computer hobbyists) or large corporations that will give you a stripped down version of their paid product in the hope that you will like it so much that you will eventually buy the full version.


Disabling a firewall, in order to make a game or some program work,it is a major no-no. Your computer can be attacked or infected with worms and viruses in minutes!

Learn how to properly configure your firewall, but never disable it, even for a minute. A firewall is there for a very good reason: to protect you from hackers!


Malicious websites don’t usually look malicious. For example, MySpace appears innocent enough, but it one of the worst offenders.

MySpace is attractive to malious computer attackers and hackers because many of its users are children, who are naive about computers and have little knowledge of computer security.


There are many more ways to get infected, but my fingers are tired and my belly is growling for food now.

That being said, I do not believe that your mobo (hardware) was damaged by registry issues (software).

Good luck.

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