Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Robert asks…

Where can I download free movies and tv shows?

Safe and reliable. Thanks!

admin answers:

Well when I moved to Spain a few years back, I was finding it hard to watch to find movies on the TV in English, I started out with a few free online websites that let you watch movies for free, but most of the time they stopped working half way into the film and also most were bad quality. I found a site on Google after looking for reviews and can recommend this one.

Helen asks…

Is there some where i can go on the internet to download free music for my mp3 player and not get in trouble?

Make sure its free and no trouble and its safe.

admin answers:

There are quite a number of site able to help you to do so.. Like limewire and bearshare, which is free but it is illegal and lot of virus on the song downloaded, which will crash your system easily.

As for some paid site, i.e. Mp3 rockets, which is only exclusive to member only, which is definitely the choice you will want to consider. They allow you to download unlimited mp3 music, video and movie. It is safe and they also provide 24x 7 hours support to member.

Get a review for mp3 rockets, Klite, limewire and more before you make your choice.


Susan asks…

when you buy a microsoft zune does a charger come with it?

I just got mine today and it had no charger and now the battery is low oh yeah and how do you download music?

admin answers:

It only comes with a cord that connects to a computer but you might find a really cheap one at it is not like eBay its a really good site and safe. As for the music you can use limewire it is pretty good. As for adding it to your zune all you have to do is go to settings and then go to device and then you’ll see a whole bunch of stuff then you should click the add folder button and if you want if you movies and all the other things do the same thing. When you click on add folder you’ll see a little screen pop up and look through it till you see the limewire folder you want click on it then click on OK. And do that for each folder you want. Then when you done adding all the folders you will see a OK on the bottom right Click it and now all those files will be in your list of files your zune syncs with and you don’t have to do anything but just add songs to your limewire. So just click OK then your then your zune will show and a start sync button and then your done. And for every song you want just add it to lime wire and go to device and sync it. Sorry it so much but i hope it helps.

Linda asks…

How do you put DVDs in a format that iTunes will accept?

I bought a bunch of DVDs before I got my iPod Classic, and I just think it’d be kind of ridiculous if I had to go on iTunes and buy them all over again just so I could watch them on my iPod as well?

Any sites or programs you know would be safe and helpful?

admin answers:

You need a convertor to put them in MP4 format-There are many online..and I know there are some free downloads-I think Videora has free downloads,here is an example of what you need, it may help you in your search for something similar that is free to download:

James asks…

Where can I watch Fast Food Nation for free?

I want to see the whole movie, not just clips of it. Please write down a link as answer. Thanks in advance.

admin answers:

I’m not sure. You can try these sites. Watch free safe and no download

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