Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

John asks…

What is a safe way to get psp games for free and hack my psp.?

Anything that is safe quick and free please comment on how i can get free games or hack my psp..

admin answers:

Hi, this site have free psp game downloads and movies. Free psp iso and cso downloads, also it is safe try it out, hope you find what u were looking for

Carol asks…

I want to download True Blood:Season 1 and 2 on Limewire, but what type of file is safe?

I use Limewire version 5.3.6. I download music from there all the time. I only download mp3’s cause i hear that the others have a higher possibility of having a virus than mp3’s do. I have never downloaded a movie before so I was wondering what file type should I download and what one is safe?

admin answers:

As far as i know
when you download music freely you get viruses,if you want safe music,you must buy it
there are no free way but economical way
you can take a look at this article
to find your music,just use google seach

Donna asks…

What upgrade do I need to insert Macromedia Flash Player in my laptop?

I have Internet Explorer 7.0, but everytime I try to open a web site with videos, the system tell me I need this flash. I have downloaded it but it still won’t function! It says the system can’t find my browser. I can’t see the news on internet, watch You Tube, I can’t even open the Disney site!.
Please help me on this matter.

admin answers:

The easiest way is to download flashj player from here:

and wait till you see the complete installation movie.

Now if still didn’t work, maybe you have pop-up block enable and installation window can’t open.

Or maybe the security settings don’t allow download and install ansigned ActiveX controls.

Open your browser click on tools menu then click on Internet Options.

When options window open click on security TAB, THEN CLICK ON iNTERNET ICON to highlight it, then click custom level button.

In the list find and configure as follow:

A) “Download signed ActiveX controls”
make it “enable”

B) “Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins”
make it “enable”

C) “Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting”


After you apply above settings try again to download Flash player.
Hope it helps.

Best of luck

Daniel asks…

Where can I make a anime NOT MANGA comic with no downloads or buying required?

Please help! I really want to make an anime comic but I keep getting pop ups saying about manga ones and they are not like the anime thing I wanted.

admin answers:

First off, anime is the animated form of manga. Anime is also a lot of times based off of an already existing manga series, but, not always. You can’t exactly make an anime comic though, Sorry. 🙁

However, if you’re referring to making an anime series (to watch and not to read) Try starting with MS Paint if you use Windows, or any free drawing tool if you have one on your computer. Just make a drawing for every frame, having the character/object you are animating move inch by inch in each one. It’s kinda like how a flip book works. Then, put them together with Windows Movie Maker, or whatever you may have on your computer that works like it. If you don’t have those things, well, I do believe you’ll have to search for some software on the internet. There’s no escaping it.

If your referring to making a comic like manga, you can just start with a paper and pencil (after developing a plot and characters of course!) But if you want to do it digitally, once again, go to that MS Paint of whichever you have. If you don’t have them however, once again, I’m sorry, but there’s no escaping downloading and/or buying some software. I’ve heard that GIMP is free and safe, and pretty good as well.

If you do get some software form the internet, make sure the site is reliable and safe, and that the program is too!

Maria asks…

What’s the best site to download movies ?

Hi i am looking on downloading movies online. Obviously free and safe. I use to use btjunkie i think but now its gone. I am in the uk. Any site people know of and use please let me know, thanks

admin answers:

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