Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Ken asks…

What’s an alternative free program to windows movie maker?

Mine is broken crashes every time.
Nuisance answers will be reported,
1 so far.

admin answers:

Take a look at the tutorials for Windows Movie Maker at – it may be WMM is all you need. It really is foolproof except that it’s picky in what file formats it takes and the lack of native support for multiple video and audio tracks are a definite disadvantage (but there are workarounds).

The version 2 series were probably the most versatile, you can find them here – – but you’ll have problems installing the older versions on Windows 7. Windows Live Movie Maker is still good, but not so versatile.

Other free video editors are…

Wax – – this is also a compositor – a bit like Adobe’s After Effects – – unlimited video and audio tracks
VideoLAN Movie Creator – – up to 64 audio and video tracks
TrakAxPC –
VideoSpin – – just 1 video track so you may as well use WMM
VideoPad – the free version –
Lightworks – – I like this one – unlimited tracks ?
Serif MoviePlus – – unlimited tracks ?
Ezvid – – 32 video and audio tracks

Another is Zwei-Stein. This is a good editor but I found the interface to be absolutely horrible.

VirtualDub, RAD Video tools, AVITricks and Avidemux are also good tools you should look at. Although not full editors like the others they have some useful features.

Lightworks and Wax together are a very good video editing system for free.

All are safe, at least from the sites I’ve linked to.

If you want to spend some money then there are reviews of 14 video editors under $100 at

More costly are video editors like Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere. Both of which are very good. Premiere is probably more advanced but harder to learn everything it can do.

Mandy asks…

What are the odds of getting caught pirating Skyrim?

I’ve already bought it on the ps3 and want to get it for the PC mainly for mods, I don’t want to buy the game because i don’t have allot of money. So what would be the odds of getting caught pirating it.

admin answers:

Like from the piratebay? Dude nobody gives a fuck as long as they dont see that you are downloading tons of stuff mainly movies and music.

If you think your computer is safe, nobody can see what you are doing because you have some awesome anti spyware youre dead wrong. The government can see everything man just because they sont do anything about it doesnt mean they dont know about ir.

A good example, I was going to alot of independant news sites that posted stuff that governments really dont want people knowing about, I started getting DDOSed for 2 weeks straight when it finally got back to normal none of my programs that connect to the net worked, like utorrent Teamspeak and spotify. My FB got hacked from an IP that said it was in the netherlands but they were using a dynamic proxy that I managed to trace to an american naval base in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Now seeing that I am in Britain this was pretty odd and made me very aware that they can watch you.

And if you havent guessed im a bit of a computer geek

Michael asks…

What torrent sites are best for downloading movies?

I am using Vuze as a torrent downloaded and I am trying to find a download for The Avengers and a few other movies but I cant seem to find any….What are good torrent sites to use? Also, what are the next steps after downloading so that I am able to watch the movies? I WILL chose best answer

admin answers:

I would suggest piratebay. When using piratebay, ALWAYS check the comments section before downloading the torrent! Do this to make sure the file is safe and the quality is good. To download the torrent itself, click on “get this torrent” You should be okay if you follow these steps.

Jenny asks…

How hard is it to Photoshop a picture you downloaded online?

So I recently joined this website and it strongly encourages you to have a picture that clearly shows your face. It doesn’t have the option to not allow others to right click the image and save it to their computer.

I grew up in a house where I was told to be very careful what I post online as it may come back to haunt me later in life(professional careers, potential dates, etc).

I was wondering how hard it was to download a picture of someone’s face and change it into something totally different? All I can think about is in the movie, “A Walk To Remember” where they take Jamie’s face and plaster it on a model’s bikini body while showing it to the whole school. Technology is obviously VERY advanced and anyone can probably get or do anything if they knew how to use the system.

If I decide to post a picture, would it be “Safer” to post a picture full body, head tilted to the right, sitting, standing, already edited? What type of photo would be the most difficult to Photoshop?

admin answers:

It’s not hard at all to download any image online.

Images files can’t be protected from downloading online. All the person needs to download an image is the URL for the image file. Even sites that offer such so-called protection are easily bypassed if someone is determined enough.

It’s very easy to paste someone else’s face on a different image, most image editing software can be used for this. Photoshop is only one image editor, there are tons.

The hardest types of photos to use would be photos with a watermark across the face. It’s almost impossible to remove a watermark over detailed areas of an image.

If you post an image, make sure it is a low resolution image. These are also harder to use because they contain less information.

If you are as paranoid as that, perhaps it’s best not to post an image of yourself. Post something that is an Avatar, or a drawing instead.

Steven asks…

What is a site I can download music on for free?

I really want to know a site where i can have free music?

admin answers:

There are quite a number of site able to help you to do so.. Like limewire and bearshare, which is free but it is illegal and lot of virus on the song downloaded, which will crash your system easily.

As for some membership site, i.e. Mp3 rockets, which is only exclusive to member only, which is definitely the choice you will want to consider. They allow you to download unlimited mp3 music, video and movie. It is safe and they also provide 24x 7 hours support to member.

Get a review for mp3 rockets, Klite, limewire and more before you make your choice.


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