Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Chris asks…

where is a safe site to download Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind english dubbed for free?

This is my favorite movie. I would normally request a place that streams video, but I love this movie so much that I may as well download it.
It really has to be a safe site to download stuff from though.

admin answers:

It took me a bit to find it, but you can get it for free off by heading to this site:

For signing up, you’ll get an extra 250 points, which is $2.50. More points can be earned by doing offers and surveys, playing games, winning contests, and referring others to the site. You can then spend those points to get anything off for free. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is on there. You’ll *probably* need the ASIN to find it on points2shop, which is as follows:

It’ll take a little effort, but it’s worth it. Plus, you’ll own the actual DVD. =)

If you have any questions about the site, feel free to ask me. I’ve also written up some detailed info at the site below:

Thomas asks…

Movie downloading sites?

What is a SAFE site that I can download movies from. I don’t really want them to be illigeal but I really want some movies!! Thanks in advance.

admin answers:

Thepiratebay + uTorrent = pure love 🙂

David asks…

can u please give me information on legal sites to down load movies & unrealeased movies that is legit & safe?

some has told me it is legal to download movies and some say it isnt please answer that also. if it is please send me sites that are legal, legit, & safe. I want sites that are capable of downloading all movies ,even unrealeased ones that are in theaters and tv shows and sending to dvd’s for my personal viewing and collection of movies. please give me all info possible .thanks

admin answers:

Netflix, i-tunes and sites like that are legal.

You have to pay in order for it to be legal. The legal sites cover the copy right issues and take care of the charges. Read the Terms of Service for one of them to be sure.

If it’s free, the copy right fees aren’t being paid and it’s illegal. Very old movies may, and I say may, be legal to d/l for free but it depends on the copy right status and new movies definitely aren’t. The same goes for music. If you burn a copy of a friend’s cd you are technically breaking the law. If you d/l a song from limewire or a torrent site you are breaking the law.

Aside from the copy right laws, if you are down loading it for free then the artist or actors aren’t being paid and neither is the studio or the 3,000 other employees. Plumbers don’t work for free, carpenter don’t work for free why would you think actors would? If you ever see Wal-mart giving movies or cd’s away then check back. It may be legal.

I’m not a lawyer and I can’t give you specific little details on the entire issue but this is the jist of it. I’m also not connected to the movie or music industry but I see this question alot and there can’t be that many people out there that don’t understand this.

Studios put movies and music together to make money which is the same reason a carpenter builds a house. I’m not a carpenter either but if a carpenter builds you a house and you load it up in the middle of the night and move it without paying him it’s stealing. He doesn’t get paid and it affects his business. He paid for the materials and equipment to build it and you never paid him for that or for his labor. If everyone starts d/l’ing the movie for free then the people responsible for making it don’t make any money. They paid for the people, materials and equipment to make it.

Hopefully this clears things up a little. It’s really not that complicated.

Mary asks…

Is it safe to download decoders?

Is it safe to download decoders from websites to watch movies on your pc or laptop. I download movies all the time & sometimes when they are complete this message comes up like today.

Content Blocked, This movie can only be unlocked with the “xvod Decoder” please visit to download.

I don’t want to go to an unsafe site & download something that will not work. Is anyone savvy on downloading from this site or ones like it to give me some advice? Thanks

admin answers:

Do not d/l them. They just want you to pay for nothing. Get movies from a better source.

Linda asks…

Is lime wire safe to download movies?

There’s this movie out at the movies that i really want to see(Paranormal activity) but i cant cause mum wont take me cause she has a new baby to look after! I really want to watch this movie and i was thinking about downloading it from lime wire but i don’t know if it was safe because i heard that some of the movies you download off there has ……. um…….stuff i don’t really wanna see half way through the film. So can anyone please help me???

Also if anyone knows a movie site that does let people watch movies for free please let me know!!

admin answers:

Limewire is not a good site. Limewire causes a lot of viruses. You should go to there you can watch any movie for free online. I love this site!!
Hope I helped 😀

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