Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Joseph asks…

Where can I find good financial aid for a low income family?

My parents are getting a divorce and my mom can’t afford to pay for the house, car, and most everything else on her income. Is there any way we can get more financial aid other than food stamps? She makes $1,200 (i think?) a month off of disability, and she says she can get food stamps, but that alone won’t be enough to pay the bills. Anyone have any ideas?

admin answers:

In your area the electric/gas utility company/companies may have a program for subsidized utility payments for people meeting certain low income requirements. Your mother would have to telephone the utility company/companies to find out about that.

Of course, food stamps are great and she should apply for them as soon as possible. I consider food stamps my tax dollars at work — for a good cause! 🙂

She can, through her divorce attorney, seek child support from your father before the divorce is final. She needs to speak with her attorney about that.

If your family has cable TV service, you may have to cut back on the cable TV plan you have or drop it altogether to cut a cost that right now just can’t be covered. You won’t die without cable TV, trust me.

If the family has a high-speed DSL internet service, the cost of internet access can be reduced by changing the subscription to a more moderate service speed. It will slow down gaming and music or video downloads, but you won’t expire from that, either.

In my area, there is an excellent food-cooperative that offers a monthly subscription and order service for food items, at about half the cost of what the food items would be in the grocery store. The cost of the food can be paid with food stamps, too. Since I don’t know where in the USA you live, I can’t refer you to something similar to the one in my area. You or your mother may send me a personal message, if you wish with info on where you live and I can reply to you with whatever info I may find for you. (Just click on my screen name below my avatar to see the connection to send me a personal message.) If you or your mother would rather not do that, if you (or she does) telephone the local public library and talk with a reference librarian, he/she may be able to get info for you about some low-cost food cooperative in your area. If there is the 211, social service information, service in your area, your mother can call that and find if there are any low-cost food cooperatives in your area.

If there is sunny space on the lot where your house is located, planting a vegetable garden this spring, for summer harvesting, will help cut the family food budget. Cutting back on meals eaten out at any sort of restaurant and cooking from scratch (cutting back on those instant/ready-made/microwave meals) will help reduce the food budget, too.

Many thrift stores in my area have a nice selection of good quality and still-fashionable clothing, as places to purchase clothes at lower costs. Consignment stores also have excellent clothes at lower costs than other stores that sell clothing.

Other cost cutting options that your family may already be following:
* viewing movies on DVDs borrowed (for free) from the public library, only — no 1st run films at the theaters, no rental DVDs
* reading books and magazines borrowed (for free) from the public library, only
* listening to and downloading music from CDs borrowed (for free) from the public library, only – no downloading from web sites for a charge
* walking or bicycling places instead of taking the family car, if there are sidewalks and safe roads for such travel

Best wishes for you and your family

George asks…

What do you think of shopping on the Internet?

I want to know your opionions. Is it safe? Is it easy?

admin answers:

As long as the site u are with has a lock at the bottom of the explorer (internet explorer) or if u are using something else to browse the internet.

Most of the time if it says http”s”:// the “S” stands for secure.

I have a habit of sometimes drinking then looking for old movies, like “the legend of billie jean” among some books, songs,. Etc., anything that sparks my fancy, online.

Ive bought a pair of shoes off of Ebay that they dont sell anymore in stores, so long as it has the “S” ure good.

Ive even ordered things off the walmart and target pages. As long as u have a good anti virus program and dont surf the web much for icky stuffs (you know what i mean), really, ure safe.

If u get emails n such that say they require u to update ur info, (sometimes i get things from bank of america, wells fargo, etc.), anything that ASKS for info, usually in an email, dont do it, call the company first.. Plan and simple….

I cant tell ya how many times ive called companies to tell them i have recieved a phony email. A secure “httpS” site, etc, will NOT ask u to input ur info….unless u are buying.

Ebay, amazon, sites like that, or any other site for that matter that u purchase things from DOES NOT ask u to repeat ur info.. I ALWAYS turn those fake sites in. (fake sites are those that have an http address that does not involve the address (microsoft, or take u to a ip address, like 75.68.112. Whatever, arent good.

I actually just got an error on a site that told me to download something for windows media, u CANT click on the LINKS usually, and it said MICROSOFT made it.

I called them for no reason other than to tell them the site, it linked me to, was fake, ecause i knew it wasnt them, the ADDRESS did not invovle the address…

Buying online is great!!! Dont let it detour u. Bascially, IF YOU ARENT SURE DONT DO IT!

If u do come across something feel free to ask me ill tell ya…
Meowbaby7@ yahoo

Betty asks…

how does one put movies onto an iPod touch?

im pretty sure its a second generation. and i mean movies that i already have on dvd. and pictures. sorry, i tried to work it out but i FAILED.

admin answers:

Here~ My experience~

1. Use WinX Free DVD to iPod Ripper. Fastest and easiest DVD ripper I ever use. It converts DVD movies to iPod touch in high quality like the original DVDs. Not all DVD rippers can give such good performance. At least all my friends try it on my recommendation and then love it. Lol

Check their official site for more functions and features:

It’s a freeware. No trial, no registration, no watermark. Small file size, safe and fast to download and install.

2. After converting, you can drag the video into your iTunes library. Plug in your iPod to computer, iTunes will detect the iPod automatically, then click iTunes menu “File -> Sync iPod”, that’s all.

3. Have fun~ lol

Daniel asks…

How can you add music from your ipod to someone else’s itunes?

My friend and me are trying to add the music from my ipod to her computer/itunes, but it’s not working. We tried to drag the songs she wanted to her music and then making a play list and adding it to her play lists, but that didn’t work either. Help?

admin answers:

Hello, I’d like to share my experience.
When I changed my computer, I used MediaWidget to move all library files from my iPod Touch onto my new computer

It can transfer all iPod content to the iTunes on your computer, including iPod music, movies, playlists, videos, podcasts, ratings, last played, and more. It’s such a powerful one that many friends around me have used it for a long time. Easy and safe.

Now all files are on your computer and iTunes, you can sync your iPod with it smoothly without deleting any files.

Just free download it to try.
For more iPod support information you can also go to

Lizzie asks…

What’s a safe social website I can go to to meet new people and make friends?

Other than facebook and twitter.

admin answers:

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