Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Helen asks…

How do you download music from online onto your computer for free and legally?

What websites or things would you do to compete this Task?

admin answers:

There are quite a number of site able to help you to do so.. Like limewire and bearshare, which is free but it is illegal and lot of virus on the song downloaded, which will crash your system easily.

As for some membership site, i.e. Mp3 rockets, which is only exclusive to member only, which is definitely the choice you will want to consider. They allow you to download unlimited mp3 music, video and movie. It is safe and they also provide 24x 7 hours support to member.

Get a review for mp3 rockets, Klite, limewire and more before you make your choice.


Lizzie asks…

Safe and free ways to get music?

After hearing about how much Limewire can mess up your computer, I decided to not download it. Are there other ways to get free music online? I have a Mac so some ways won’t work for me, but any ideas will help.

admin answers:

You can’t have both with most music. Some artists offer some of their music free on their web sites. Any time you download commercially offered music (this includes almost all music by popular artists), you have multiple problems:

1. It is illegal. It doesn’t matter what site you download it from, if you do not pay for the material, you are stealing. It is just the same as if you walk out of a store with merchandise that you have not paid for.

2. You could end up in court, or you could have your Internet cut off.

3. You are downloading from an unknown source. There is no way to guarantee that you won’t get more than you bargained for.

When people download material illegally (songs, movies, software, etc.) that gives the big companies more ammunition to take to Congress when they next try to take away more of the few rights we still have under Copyright law. So you are hurting everybody, even those who do not do illegal downloads.

Linda asks…

What is good video editing software that is free and I can download?

easy to use, and free?

admin answers:

Take a look at the tutorials for Windows Movie Maker at – it may be WMM is all you need.

The version 2 series were probably the most versatile, you can find them here – but you may have problems installing them on Windows 7

Other free video editors are…

Wax – – this is also a compositor – a bit like Adobe’s After Effects
VideoLAN Movie Creator –
TrakAxPC –
VideoSpin –
VideoPad – the free version –
Lightworks – – I like this one
Serif MoviePlus –
Ezvid –

Another is Zwei-Stein – – but I’ve never liked this when I’ve tried it at several times.

VirtualDub, RAD Video tools, AVITricks and Avidemux are also good tools you should look at. Although not full editors like the others they have some useful features.

Lightworks and Wax together are a very good video editing system for free.

All are safe, at least from the sites I’ve linked to.

Michael asks…

What is a good program or website for editing videos and music/audio?

i want to start making music for youtube but i dont have a program for editing, whats so good ones?
maybe some free ones or some cheaper ones?

admin answers:

Take a look at the tutorials for Windows Movie Maker at – it may be WMM is all you need. It really is foolproof except that it’s picky in what file formats it takes and the lack of native support for multiple video and audio tracks are a definite disadvantage (but there are workarounds).

The version 2 series were probably the most versatile, you can find them here – – but you’ll have problems installing the older versions on Windows 7.

Other free video editors are…

Wax – – this is also a compositor – a bit like Adobe’s After Effects – – unlimited video and audio tracks
VideoLAN Movie Creator – – up to 64 audio and video tracks
TrakAxPC –
VideoSpin – – just 1 video track so you may as well use WMM
VideoPad – the free version –
Lightworks – – I like this one – unlimited tracks ?
Serif MoviePlus – – unlimited tracks ?
Ezvid – – 32 video and audio tracks

Another is Zwei-Stein. This is a good editor but I found the interface to be absolutely horrible.

VirtualDub, RAD Video tools, AVITricks and Avidemux are also good tools you should look at. Although not full editors like the others they have some useful features.

Lightworks and Wax together are a very good video editing system for free.

All are safe, at least from the sites I’ve linked to.

If you want to spend some money then there are reviews of 14 video editors under $100 at

More costly are video editors like Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere. Both of which are very good. Premiere is probably more advanced but harder to learn everything it can do.

Mandy asks…

What editing software can I get that is good and still free?

I have some basic software, but I’m looking for something a little bit more advanced and professional looking.


admin answers:

Take a look at the tutorials for Windows Movie Maker at – it may be WMM is all you need. It really is foolproof except that it’s picky in what file formats it takes and the lack of native support for multiple video and audio tracks are a definite disadvantage (but there are workarounds).

The version 2 series were probably the most versatile, you can find them here – – but you’ll have problems installing the older versions on Windows 7. Windows Live Movie Maker is still good, but not so versatile.

Other free video editors are…

Wax – – this is also a compositor – a bit like Adobe’s After Effects – – unlimited video and audio tracks
VideoLAN Movie Creator – – up to 64 audio and video tracks
TrakAxPC –
VideoSpin – – just 1 video track so you may as well use WMM
VideoPad – the free version –
Lightworks – – I like this one – unlimited tracks ?
Serif MoviePlus – – unlimited tracks ?
Ezvid – – 32 video and audio tracks

Another is Zwei-Stein. This is a good editor but I found the interface to be absolutely horrible.

VirtualDub, RAD Video tools, AVITricks and Avidemux are also good tools you should look at. Although not full editors like the others they have some useful features.

Lightworks and Wax together are a very good video editing system for free.

All are safe, at least from the sites I’ve linked to.

If you want to spend some money then there are reviews of 14 video editors under $100 at

More costly are video editors like Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere. Both of which are very good. Premiere is probably more advanced but harder to learn everything it can do.

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