Donna asks…
Will I lose quality if I use a Youtube converter for music?
I use flv2mp3 as my Youtube converter and I was wondering if I actually lose quality by converting the Youtube videos to mp3 for music. If I do, what are some safe torrent sites for good quality music?
Perian download doesn’t work.
admin answers:
Yes. For J.G. Wentworth Opera file, the original was 44kHz, after extracting the audio, 22kHz.
DO NOT ask about criminal activity (copyright piracy) on Yahoo Answers. Forbidden by the guidelines.
If you install Perian, you can use iMovie to extract audio from FLV files. Matter of fact, most decent quality videos will be MP4 instead of FLV, and for those, you don’t need Perian. The option is “Export to QuickTime” and format “Movie to AIF”. The result is 48kHz. Then if you have any important reason to compress it, add it to iTunes, and go to the “Advanced” menu to “Convert to MP3”.
See the link below for what happened when I tried the Perian download just now. What happens for you? Doesn’t begin the download? Doesn’t complete? DMG doesn’t mount? Perian pane doesn’t install when you double-click it? Installs, but doesn’t allow use of FLV?
John asks…
What files should I download on Shareaza?
Which files are the best quality and safest? How can you tell?
erm, is it illegal to download from shareaza?
admin answers:
Where piracy is concerned, you’re playing russian roulette.
Becoming infected with viruses and trojans are the risk you take for illegal downloads from public peer to peer networks.
around 99% of all the music/movies on file sharing networks are illegal to download – as a general rule if it’s a movie or song you’ve actually heard of it’ll be copyrighted and thus illegal to download off a free file sharing network.
The official shareaza site also confirms this:
(Note: Keep in mind that some files found on the network might be copyrighted, and not legally transferable. Using Shareaza to upload or download unlicensed copyright material may be against the law. Don’t violate national or international copyright laws!)
regardless of what software you’re using, the same rule applies to them all – free downloading is mostly illegal.
Richard asks…
What is The Best External Drive for a Mac and Ps3?
I want to get an external drive for my Mac that I can keep all my movies on
I thought that since i’m getting one, i ma as well get one that i could plug into my PS3
Anything special needed or can I just buy a Western Digital external?
admin answers:
You can use a Westen Digital drive just make sure it is “Fat32” compatible, PS3 will not recognize “NTFS.”
Read below for instructions on setting up your external hard drive to your PS3.
I hope this helps.
Things You’ll Need:
* External hard drive compatible with PS3
* USB cord
Step 1:
Connect the external hard drive to your computer using your USB cord.
Step 2:
Open your “Start” menu and click on the following string of menu options: “Control Panel,” “Administrative Tools,” “Computer Management” and “Disk Manager.”
Step 3:
Select the external hard drive and give attention to the type of “File System.” If it reads “NTFS,” then right-click it and choose “Delete Partition.” This will ensure the partition you use is “FAT32.” If it’s not “FAT32,” then proceed to Step 4. If it is “FAT32,” then move on to Step 5.
Step 4:
Run an Internet search for “CompuApps Swiss Knife.” You’ll find the official website within the first few search results. Simply enter the site and download the free application. Once downloaded, install the program and run it. When you’re inside the program, choose the external hard drive that needs to be partitioned. Configure the settings in the following manner: “Partition Type–Primary,” “File System–FAT32” and “Volume Label.” Choose “Create” and your FAT 32 partition will be set up. Proceed to Step 5.
Step 5:
Open “My Computer” and click twice on your empty external PS3 hard drive. Right click within this area, move your cursor down to “New,” and select “Folder.” Name this folder “Photo.” Repeat this process to create three more new folders: “Music,” “Video” and “Game.” This will ensure the folders on your external hard drive are identical to those on your PS3.
Step 6:
Click the green arrow in the bottom right corner of your screen to remove and choose “Safely Remove.” Unplug your external PS3 hard drive once a message appears indicating it’s safe to do so.
Step 7:
Connect your external hard drive to your PS3 and enjoy.
Tips & Warnings
* Choosing a proper external hard drive won’t be difficult because most are compatible with PS3.
* Avoid using a NTFS formatted hard drive because your PS3 won’t recognize it.
* Don’t place your external hard drive near your PS3’s exhaust fans. The hot air could damage the drive.
Steven asks…
What are some free AND safe software to use to edit videos?
I want to use the site(s) for editing my youtube videos. (tpmls=youtuber)
admin answers:
You can use one of the following software:
Free Video Editer:
Windows Movie Maker (for windows)
iMovie (for mac)
Professional Video Editer:
AVS Video Editor (for windows)
Final Cut Pro (for mac)
Adobe Premiere (for windows)
Sony Vegas Pro (for windows)
James asks…
Paying money for premeum accounts in rapdishare and megauploads using cridet cards is it safe?
I love to download bluray movies but i can’t do it with the free user for the sites like rapidshare and megauploads
and i have 1.5Mbps downspeed so i don’t need wait for each download.
so my question is will be safe to create a PREMIUM account on rapid share and megauplaods using credit card??
admin answers:
Yes it is safe to create a Premium account on rapidshare or megaupload, a friend tried it one time and he had an account for a month.. But it’s kinda expensive, and if you have Firefox as internet browser, I would recommend SkipScreen. You don’t have to wait anymore if you use Megaupload, and at rapidshare you still have to wait, but the download starts automatically, so you can’t forget clicking the Download button.
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