Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Sandy asks…

What can i use other then limewire and bear share so i dont get a virus?

Well I Dont want any type of virus in my computer,
but i dont want to pay for music either,
if i have limewire and run virus program all the time will i still get a virus?

admin answers:

Limewire, Kaaza, bearshare and morphius are all garbage and full of spy-ware. Do not even install these programs on your computer. Aswell as being full of spy-ware, you can get viruses and lots of cookies. Also these programs are unreliable. Quite often the title of the file is not what the file actually is.

The Bittorrent sites are much better and safer. No spyware, reliable, accurate and nearly unlimitted to what you can find and download. From movies to TV shows to music to e-books and video games, bittorrent has it all.

Download a program called Utorrent. Once you have this, you can go to bittorrent web sites and use the search engines to find whatever you are looking for. My favorite site is and

Since getting Utorrent, I wouldn’t even think about downloading Limewire or anything like that on my computer ever again.

Steven asks…

Whats a good, secure internet site that I can download videos to to free up space when I travel?

I don’t want to buy a load of SD cards I won’ need 11 months of the year.

admin answers:

Safe as safe can be

Laura asks…

Anyone know where I can download Windows Movie Maker?

Hey, I’ve finally decided to make a Sims 3 series for youtube, but I accidently removed Windows Movie maker from my computer. Does anyone know if I can get it back on my computer or download from somewhere. Thanks.

admin answers:

If i was you i would search and google. But heres wmm for xp:

Heres vista:;pop

Don’t worry that site they used to be called They are 100% safe.

Nancy asks…

How safe is rapidshare downloads?

Can anyone track rapidshare downloads? and is using paypal to buy premium accounts a smart idea?

admin answers:

Any and all internet activity can be tracked. The reason for this is because of
the manner in which TCP/IP is handled by providers and your computer.
Any Servers involved with the transfer of any file keep a log of all activity on

This is not to say it is a bad thing, unless of course you are doing something
illegal to begin with.

As for safety… You can never be 100% sure of anything you download online,
especially when using Peer to Peer, torrent, or “Share” downloading.
A common misconception is that Limewire and uTorrent have spyware but it
is not the program, it is the possibility of the files being shared that are corrupt.
The same goes for sites that offer shared file uploads and downloads.

Again, the safety of online purchase is a tricky thing. Paypal is safe but some
of the folks who sell through them are not and that is where the problems start…
With the person, not the company.

Free or Premium… If the download is of a copyrighted work, art, file, program,
software, etc., simply downloading it at all (except in some limited circumstances)
is considered an act of Software/Music/Movie/etc. Piracy.

Jenny asks…

what do i need to download a clip from you tube?

i want to download some clips from youtube but dont know how as im a beguinner. what do i need to download the clips and put them in a file on my pc. and what is a converter.

admin answers:

Sweet Bro,
(For downloading)
I will let you know the easiest wayz that you can use to acquire your favorite videoz from or even from all the web sites that contain videoz 4 example if u see a video on the home page of u also can download that, subsequent are the unique wayz just 4 u 😉

Method # 1 (My Favorite)
1. Download free famous software ” Real Player 11 Gold”
2. Install it in your computer ( while installation it will ask for an option whether you wanna avail it or not and that option would be “video Recording”..get it..or you may get dis option after installation by going to Tools–>preferences)

whenever you will open a webpage which contains a video on it..a button (download this video) will pop up at the top of the video..there would be a down arrow sign on the right side of that on that arrow an save your required video at desktop.

to play downloded video you must have “VLC Player”
You may download these two free softwares from following trustworthy web sites:

Method # 2 (dis would be best 4 u)
(If you are using internet on someone else’s computer you may use this method to download a video instead of installing Real Player”

click the link “Watch/Download
YouTube Videos”
2…search with the name of the video that you watched on “youtube”
3…and then ….download it in your favorite format

Method # 3
you may also download a video by pasting the link of your favorite “youtube” video on the following websites:
in default (Flv) format:
In your favorite format

Method # 4
here you can download an also change the format of your files

(For conversion(converter))
There are several methods to do this job…following are the two easiest, safe and famous methods:

Method # 1 (If your file is small in size)
follow their easy steps…upload your media file there…they will send you a link of converted video file to your
mail box you can download that converted video again by clicking on that link.

Method # 2 (If it is big in size)
You have to download and install a converter…so you can change the format of video media file(.mpeg) into Windows movie maker required formats( wmv, mpg, or avi)” or other formats(.png) off line.
Here is the trustworthy link from where you can download free(with key) converter:

Hope you will find my answer helpfull!
Wi$H yA GoOd LuCk 🙂

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