Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

James asks…

Is rapidshare safer to download from than bittorent?

I’ve heard it is, but am curious if that is accurate. I know megaupload is now installing anti-piracy spyware. Does rapidshare do the same? And is there anyone for someone like the RIAA to discover your IP address from rapidshare?

admin answers:

You’re never anonymous on the Internet, You’r IP from your ISP is showing up everywhere and people can easily track you down.

No download site is safe, but it mostly depends on what you’re looking for if it’s games and movies up to 8GB then you should consider using a torrent site, like isohunt.

Otherwise if it’s just some small application you should use i.e rapidshare.

However if you know what you’re doing you can mask your IP and make ppl think that you’re located in the pacific ocean 😉

Lisa asks…

how do i download movies onto my ipod touch without jail breaking it?

a lot of my friends jail break it but then they lost the warranty and i dont mine to be like that so please help!!!!!!!!!! and if there is no other way recommend jailbreaking websites that are safe please and thx!!

admin answers:

Well, if u have a wifi connection/3g there happens to be a few sites where u can stream full-length movies off your ipod the site i use is called

Mary asks…

is there a different program to use other the frostwire or limewire?

is there a different program to use other the frostwire or lime wire? im just tired of these programs and would like to see if there if anything else out there.

admin answers:

I went torrents a few years ago, and now refuse to use any of that P2P crap.

Torrents are faster, safer, and; well, it’s easier to get whole albums. Plus you can get movies, video games, etc. Etc. You name it, I can torrent it in about three minutes.

And, of course, there are a few tools I use to keep me from having to interact with those lowly torrent sites. 😉

To do the searching, I use Bit Che:

Bit Che is like the google for torrent sites. It maintains a list of these sites (which is always updating). You enter a search term, and it searches these dozens of sites for whatever you want. The results are then displayed, in order of availability, for you to peruse through.]

For the actual downloading, I use uTorrent:

Then you double click a file in Bit Che, tell windows to open with uTorrent, and watch your stuff come flying in.

And, in case you were wondering exactly what a torrent is, or if it’s safe…here’s the wiki entry:

In my personal experiences…I’ve found that torrents are much more secure than P2P. I have never downloaded a bogus song or fake video from a torrent site.

Thomas asks…

Has anyone ever had the “Movieland” virus on their computer? How do you remove it?

I’ve been following all of the steps to remove it but I’ve been unsuccessfull. I haven’t noticed my computer acting differently but the antivirus scan says the virus is present. The values and subkeys I am to delete are not present on my pc. Any advice?

admin answers:

Perhaps you were lucky and only have a trace of Movieland on your computer or perhaps it is simply a false positive from your anti-virus.

You would definitely know if you had a full-blown Movieland infection. You would be bombarded with popups telling you you owed them money for a movie file-sharing program that perhaps you didn’t even download.

First , just as in real life sickness, a second opinion is always best. You could try all 3 of these in insure that your computer is indeed 100% clean.

1. Scan for virus and remove (free online scan) with BitDefender

2. Scan for trojans and remove (free online scan) with Ewido

3. Scan for ad/spyware and remove (free download) with Spybot Search & Destroy

If you are still showing signs of Movieland after all 3 of the above scans, here is another manual removal infomation and procedure:

Good luck.

Betty asks…

What is the reputation or your personal experiences of downloading movies from or

Are any of these sites fairly safe from viruses?

admin answers:

As per

1 )

High Trust Rating. This Site Looks Safe to Use.

Probable website origin :-
33%; United States
31%; Unknown
21%; Hong Kong
13%; United Kingdom
3%; Netherlands

Although this website appears to be based in the United Kingdom there are other countries involved and you should review this information carefully and decide if it is as you expect.It may be operating from the United States
This website is deemed to be popular by Alexa with a ranking of 399
This website has a good online trust rating.
This website has a good online reliability.


Suspicious. This Site Could Be Unsafe(54%).
Site is United States based , but most likely from Viet Nam

Probable website origin :-
57%; Viet Nam
43%; United States

Although this website appears to be based in the United States there are other countries involved and you should review this information carefully and decide if it is as you expect.It could be also operating from Viet Nam
This website has at some point been listed various threat websites.


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