Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Michael asks…

HELPPPPPP Where can I download Chris Rock Kill the messenger to my mp3 player?

I want to know where can I download Chris Rock Kill the messenger to my iPod nano, the audio or video either one. Can someone please give me a SAFE and free site where I can get it from.


admin answers:

Just make a search for anything you want to download – say download Chris Rock Kill the messenger to my mp3 player,or song,or software,ebook,movie etc. You will find the links of webpages from where they can be downloaded. To further narrow down search, just click on the relevant category on search page
also use new menu

Steven asks…

What app should I use to watch movies on my iPod?

So I want to watch NEW movies on my iPod not old, but I don’t know what app I should use 🙁 BTW my iPods not jailbroken 🙁 idk how to jailbreak it

admin answers:

To answer your question, use the free Netflix app (it’s a free app, must pay 8 bucks monthly). The good thing though is that you can use the same Netflix account on your wii, iPad, computer, xbox 360, and so on for no extra charge.

To help you understand jailbreaking, it is a very great thing. If you asked me 6 months ago, I would’ve said that jailbreaking is dangerous and I didn’t know how to do it. Now, I say it’s 100% safe and I’m an expert at it(seriously). If you ever want to jailbreak, you must know your firmware version (go to settings>general>about) and your generation (go to:
If youre unsure)
then, you can YouTube it(search “untethered jailbreak _._._ (firmware) ___ generation”). If you find a YouTube video, google it to make sure it’s accurate, because you can’t trust everything on the Internet. Then, if YouTube didn’t include links for downloads, find some on google, but use a trusted site (like, because if you download edited jailbreak software, it could have a virus, so download from a trusted site. So yay, you learned how to partially jailbreak! I recommend you do it, but if you feel anything less than 90% (better make that 100%) cofindent, then don’t do it. Spend more time researching, so when you feel you know what your doing, you won’t make a mistake. Goodluck to you!

Linda asks…

Looking for free simple video editing software?

I am making a newscast like informational video for a school project, I am familiar with some video editing and could probably figure out something more advance, I am just looking for something that can make More professional looking captions than movie maker.

admin answers:

Take a look at the tutorials for Windows Movie Maker at – it may be WMM is all you need. It really is foolproof except it’s a bit picky in what file formats it takes and the lack of native support for multiple video and audio tracks are a definite disadvantage (but there are workarounds)

The version 2 series were probably the most versatile, you can find them here – but you may have problems installing them on Windows 7

Other free video editors are…

Wax – – this is also a compositor – a bit like Adobe’s After Effects – – unlimited video and audio tracks
VideoLAN Movie Creator – – up to 64 audio and video tracks
TrakAxPC –
VideoSpin – – just 1 video track so you may as well use WMM
VideoPad – the free version –
Lightworks – – I like this one – unlimited tracks ?
Serif MoviePlus – – unlimited tracks ?
Ezvid – – 32 video and audio tracks

VirtualDub, RAD Video tools, AVITricks and Avidemux are also good tools you should look at. Although not full editors like the others they have some useful features.

Lightworks and Wax together are a very good video editing system for free.

All are safe, at least from the sites I’ve linked to.

Carol asks…

is it true that limewire is a haven of viruses that could badly affect your computer?

so far, i have had no problems w/ limewire, but a computer technician told me that limewire could sooner or later give me a faulty computer, which could null the warrant of my laptop in case something goes wrong w/ it. is there any truth in this?

admin answers:

Any time you download files to your computer using any program, not just Limewire, you risk that the file may be infected. What varies is the degree of risk, depending on the program / site you’re using and the files you are after. Pirated movies and music have an inherently higher risk, for example. That doesn’t mean every pirated movie file or song is infected, it just means the risk is typically higher.

If your antivirus software is current, all updates are applied and everything is enabled, especially ‘scan files on download’, you are safer. Notice I didn’t say ‘absolutely safe’.

Here’s where the conversation gets back to ‘practise safe computing and have good security tools in place’ and you’ll be as close to safest as you can get.

Seriously, there’s only one way to be guaranteed not to get infected. Never connect to any network (or to another computer) and never put any discs in any drives. That includes USB thumb drives and external hard drives. I’m serious.

Daniel asks…

How can i download voices for my Youtube Poop?

How can i download the ‘Die’ and ‘Penhis’ and the or else you will die!
and the dinner and spaghetti????

admin answers:

Sweet Bro,
(For downloading)
I will let you know the easiest wayz that you can use to acquire your favorite videoz from or even from all the web sites that contain videoz 4 example if u see a video on the home page of u also can download that, subsequent are the unique wayz just 4 u 😉

Method # 1 (My Favorite)
1. Download free famous software ” Real Player 11 Gold”
2. Install it in your computer ( while installation it will ask for an option whether you wanna avail it or not and that option would be “video Recording”..get it..or you may get dis option after installation by going to Tools–>preferences)

whenever you will open a webpage which contains a video on it..a button (download this video) will pop up at the top of the video..there would be a down arrow sign on the right side of that on that arrow an save your required video at desktop.

to play downloded video you must have “VLC Player”
You may download these two free softwares from following trustworthy web sites:

Method # 2 (dis would be best 4 u)
(If you are using internet on someone else’s computer you may use this method to download a video instead of installing Real Player”

click the link “Watch/Download
YouTube Videos”
2…search with the name of the video that you watched on “youtube”
3…and then ….download it in your favorite format

Method # 3
you may also download a video by pasting the link of your favorite “youtube” video on the following websites:
in default (Flv) format:
In your favorite format

Method # 4
here you can download an also change the format of your files

(For conversion(converter))
There are several methods to do this job…following are the two easiest, safe and famous methods:

Method # 1 (If your file is small in size)
follow their easy steps…upload your media file there…they will send you a link of converted video file to your
mail box you can download that converted video again by clicking on that link.

Method # 2 (If it is big in size)
You have to download and install a converter…so you can change the format of video media file(.mpeg) into Windows movie maker required formats( wmv, mpg, or avi)” or other formats(.png) off line.
Here is the trustworthy link from where you can download free(with key) converter:

Hope you will find my answer helpfull!
Wi$H yA GoOd LuCk 🙂

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