Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Richard asks…

Does anyone know where I can get a FREE copy of The FULL version of Gazillionaire Deluxe?

Gazillionaire Deluxe is a trading game much like Monopoly, but set in space. It’s an addicting game, but not worth 35 bucks in my opinion. So I’m trying to find someone who knows where I can download the FULL version of the game for FREE.

admin answers:


Its really easy. You need to use BitTorrent.
Here, first of all, go to this website and download a free BitTorrent client called ABC:

If the link doesn’t work, go to Google and search for the keywords “ABC BitTorrent Download”

Now tha you have sucessfully downloaded and installed, ABC, its time to download some “Torrents”. With torrents, you can download movies, softwares, games, books, music and everykind of file. Plus, its really safe, not like Kazaa or other P2P File Sharing programs.

Now, to search for programs and other stuff, go to a torrent website and try to find the software or movie or whatever you are looking for:

Here: —> — I really recommend you Demonoid, its the best one and you can see what other users way about other torrents. Its the best torrent site, I believe. However, you need to register, and registration is only open on Fridays, so don’t miss that, I find almost any software for Macintosh there, and for PCs there is even even even more. I downloaded Windows XP, Vista ( Beta ), Adobe full collection of softwares, Office, and all the expensive programs. Its great hope you enjoy it.

Use all of those sites to seach for downloadable games, music videos, movies, music, books, videos, software and everything…

Hope this was pretty helpful to you. Have a nice day and a happy new year.

Mandy asks…

The Pirate Bay, what exactually is this site, and is there a catch?

I want to know information whilst downloading games, like what to do. Please help me. Thank you soooo much!

admin answers:

You can download movies, videos, tv shows etc. For free.

There is no catch. People post their own torrents, (even if illegally)
So it’s safe, if you have a protection of some sort. PeerGuardian is a good one.

Sandy asks…

How to speed up Toshiba laptop performance?

I have a toshiba laptop, cant remember the model but i got it around december of 2010. it ran real quick at first, then i noticed it start to slow down a bit. what are some ways to speed up the performance back to how it was? i have heard of disk de-fragment what else is there?

admin answers:

Log on as an Administrator.

First delete/un-install all programs/applications/games you no longer use (especially those you have disks for).

Burn/copy to CD/DVD/flash drive any and all music/pictures/movie files, verify they copied successfully and delete the originals.

Download install and run Ccleaner, both ‘Registry’ and ‘Cleaner’ parts…

Run Disk Cleanup (Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools) check/tick all boxes, they’re all safe to remove.

Run Disk Defragmenter (Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools).

Increase Virtual Memory…


Open Computer Management, click Start, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.

In the console tree, right-click Computer Management (Local), and then select Properties.
On the Advanced tab, click Performance Options, and under Virtual memory, uncheck the check box of Automatically manage paging file size for all drives, click Change.
In the Drive list, click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change (usually C:).
Under Paging file size for selected drive, type a new paging file size (4095 for both) in the Initial Size and Maximum Size box, and then click Set.
Click Apply and OK.

Vista/Win 7

1.Open Control Panel>System and Maintenance>System.

2.In the left “Tasks”, click on ‘Advanced System Settings’.

3.Click the “Advanced” tab. In “Performance” section, click on ‘Settings’ button.

4.Click on ‘Advanced’ tab.

5.In the “Virtual Memory” section, click on ‘Change’ button.

6.By default, “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” setting is selected so that Windows Vista system can manage the paging file without user’s interruption. If you want change the paging file size,uncheck the check box of Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.

7.Select and highlight the appropriate drive that users want to change the paging file settings under the box of “Drive [Volume Label]“ Usually ‘C:’.

8.To fix a permanent size for the paging file, click on Custom size button, and set the values of Initial Size 4095 (MB) and Maximum Size 4095 (MB). To make the size of pagefile.sys static. Then click on Set button.

Click Start>Run and type

(or type it in the search bar)

and press Enter/Return. Click the Startup tab and uncheck anything that’s not needed at startup.

Go to this site to check which services can be safely stopped/removed…


Or… Buy more RAM. Download and run the scanner here to find type/speed of RAM needed…

Http:// 🙂

© arou42

Lisa asks…

What is the common thought about posting suggestive pictures online?

In this day and age, so many more people are posting nudes (or suggestive pictures) online, or emailing them to their significant other.

What do you think of this practice? Can it get out of control? Is it all in freedom of speech?

admin answers:

No matter what happens in this world for peoples likes and dislikes! There’s always someone or some group that feels they have the right to control the whole world of things they don’t like, even though millions like what there trying to stop!!!

Sure no one should be able to get pics of little kids in the nude or in sexual acts, That’s just pure common sense!!! But for me or you to just download a few adult picks for our own purposes should be fine and legal and not ban because some dam religious group don’t like that we can do that!!!

Don’t get me wrong, I feel it should be legally controlled though! So kids can’t download such pics or movies and I feel the porn sites should be held countable, if kids do get into there sites!!! But I also feel all websites should be protecting all internet users from all the threats out on the internet! From viruses, adware, spam, hackers and spyware!!!

Why should we have to buy all that stuff, Just so we can visit there websites!!! It’ s not write and should be a law that Any website owner must have 100% protection for all there website visitors! Even the porn sites!!!

Any internet user should have the right to be safe from all the viruses, spyware and all the other things when visiting any website! We all shouldn’t have to buy it all!!! It’s nothing but a very expensive scam we all have to pay!!!

We are all human, the naked body has become a symbol of dirty filth by religious groups etc. We weren’t born with cloth on are bodies, laws forced cloth onto our bodies since birth!

Why is the naked body so disgusting that we all have to hide it for the rest of our lives! Just because someone wanted to have control and make it against the law to be naked out in the world! Maybe all the people against naked body as a life, Maybe should go live in a nudist camp for a few months to see first hand, that being nude has really nothing to do with every day life in a nudest camp!!! It’s a way of real life!!!

Adult and kids have no clothes! Period!! There’s no rapes going on in there!!! There’s no child porn or molestation going on in there!!! Or sex driven people in there! Yet outside of there it’s illegal to be naked!!! I think all the sexual crimes we have everyday are all caused because of a clothed world we all are forced to live in!!! I think today people really don’t have much freedom!!! Laws are made everyday that we all have to live by or go to jail!!! Is that really freedom!!! Sounds to me more like a world prison life!

Our freedom is getting shorter and short everyday!!! A Nude human body is what it is, people make it to be something else!!! Sex is what it is, It’s part of every creature on this earth! And YES even the most religious groups HAVE sex!!! Even Priest,Nuns,Pastors , Ministers and even Popes!! Yet it’s gotten to be a bad word and so much tried to be hidden!!!

Hell back in the 1900 and earlier Sex was for breeding purposes only!!! Which caused and made prostitution! Because wives back then only had sex with there husbands to make kids only!! Now sex is a everyday thing in life now!!!

What caused the big change??? Laws that were made to hide sex and activites! The kids today see sex as a forbidden activity! Taught by laws and adults so of course there going to do it!!! Kids love to try to get away doing something there either told not to! Or were never taught about!!! Maybe the world will wake up and see what there laws have done to the human race!!!

The naked body is not filth, offensive, degrading or shameful, People made it that way when laws were forced on them!!! Today’s people could learn a lot from Nudist camps and there way of life!!! The world was never supose to be a sex driven world, but laws made it that way!!!

Now days Common sense and Laws clash and will until some laws that were made that shouldn’t have never been made!!! Done away with!!! If something isn’t changed soon! Virginity will be a thing of the way past! You tell people not to have sex! Guess what??? There going to have sex!!!

It’s common sense, that if you tell someone not to do something, there going to do it because you told them not too! We humans are not the same when it comes to likes and dislikes! And none of us humans like to be told what to do by someone else!!!

Dictators belong at prisons and war camps not in humans everyday life!!! We have our own minds and way of thinking, some good and some bad! But most bad are caused by upbringing! And the world of no,no,no,no,no!!! Sure you must have some rules and laws to protect people from harm from others!!! But how far are people going to take it!!!

And your question about nude pics!!! Is it hurting people who want them!!! NO! Is it hurting people who don’t want them!!! NO!! They have a right not to download any, and they also have the right not to use porn sites!!! So why aren’t they just minding there own business and stay away from them then!!! Why??? Because they are nothing but trouble makers of the world who thrive off of causing problems for things many like to do!!!

I think the world would be a much better place to live if people would just live there own lives instead of trying to live everyone elses!!! I feel any human that walks on this earth that hates the nude body better go find themselves a big tree and hang themselves so that others can go on with there lives loving the nude human body that God had given each and every one of us!!! No one should ever be ashamed of there nude body! Others make them ashamed of it!!!

Sex in the world today wouldn’t even be as bad as it is! If the nude body wasn’t forced to be covered up!!! Rape wouldn’t even be a part of the world!!! Sex is only sought out and thrived so bad today, because of the having to wear clothes!

Example: Doctors see hundreds of naked men and womens bodies everyday all day long!!! Do you really believe when he gets home to his wife! He wants Sex!!! I Think Not!!!

To Hate Gods Creations is to Hate God!!! So I guess they’ll have to burn in hell!!!

Charles asks…

From which website I can download Grown Ups movie?

Please mind it, give me the best link which is totally safe from viruses.

admin answers:

Yes buddy!
I have downloaded Grown Ups movie yesterday. Before downloaded I have tried lot of sites, I also browsed on net for long time. Finally I decided use this site to download Grown Ups movie because this is more popular site and reputed site. My friends already used this site for download movies. SO I choose this site for download this movie.

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