Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Laura asks…

Are those websites that claim you can watch new movie streams legit? are they safe?

like whenever someone asks if they can see a movie online for free, and someone gives them a website like o something are those sites legit? or is there a catch, are there viruses or do you have to sign up for something?

admin answers:

I always go to that site and nothing happend so far..just don’t download the movie just click on one of the links and watch it.

Charles asks…

Please can someone explain to me a few things about downloading movies?

I have started downloading my 1st film, and after 6 hours it finished downloading, now it says seeding what is this and how long will it take?
The site i am using is torrent is there another safe, free site any better?
After its finished will i be able to move it somewhere to burn onto disc?
Sorry if i sound stupid but i really do not have a clue! so any answers will be gratefully received.
Thanks x

admin answers:

Seeding just means you are sharing the file with other people , you can stop this whenever you want but it is good manners to seed at least what you have downloaded. You never said what format your downloaded film is in , but i am guessing it will be something like an avi file. So if you want to watch it on a dvd player at home you will have to convert it first. Get yourself a program called ConvertXtoDVD , this will convert to a dvd and burn it to disc for you and it is very easy to use.

By the way you will find this program here

Have fun.

Mandy asks…

How much file space does crash bandicoot 3 take up on the psp?

Thinking of downloading this classic from the PSP store, but im unsure of the file size. Can someone please tell me how much space it takes up?
Can anyone direct me to a site which tells me the file sizes for current psp store titles also?

admin answers:

Usually the games that you download from the PSN store are not that big, Less then 250mb in some cases even smaller. The best thing to do is if you do not have enough space on your PSP, then remove certain games and or movies you have on your PSP and transfer it over to your Computer for safe keeping.

William asks…

What is an HD video codec and what is a safe one to download?

I was trying to watch a movie on but it kept telling me the HD video codec was missing. Is this a must have to watch movies online now? if not, how do I get around it? and If I do need it, what is a good and safe one to download?

admin answers:


It may harm your computer and you do not need it to watch any movie on their site. If a site tells you to download something then ignore it unless you are 100% sure its completely legit or its from a credible website. Don’t ever download anything from the internet. Just ignore it and if it bothers you click the x button.

If you already installed it, then uninstall it and delete any files it may have created. Do a scan and make sure its gone.

George asks…

Where can i be able to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks?

I’ve tried youtube but it doesn’t have it. i want to be able to watch all of the episodes.

admin answers:

its awesome.. The site’s name changes ALOT tho.
This site lets you download or stream movies. Its a site that brings together links from other sites that you can stream movies for free. You have to pay to download 🙁 but it says its in really High Quality so i guess its worth it. I didnt pay to download i stream. Some links are broken, and if it asks you to press a button to continue.. Its safe. If you have to take a quiz to watch a movie.. Well dont take it. It might be spam or a virus.

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