Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

William asks…

web sites that are safe and reliable?

can anyone tell me the best and safest sites to go to for me do download music and movies???
many thanks to who answers. peace

admin answers:

Robert asks…

where can i download video’s on the web?

yeah sounds like a really dumb question i know.
i’m doing a media project and i just some random videos (maybe from movies, artsy stuff, whatever) that i need to edit in a certain style.
a good youtube ripper that allows for bigger files?
a movie downloading site?
anything that‘s usable but must be safe from viruses or i’ll be murdered by dawn
pls help

admin answers:

Well, I just use Tunebite to download videos from the web.

Works a youtube downloader to help me download youtube videos, but it can also be used to download videos from Dailymotion or whatever other such websites I usually go to for videos.

Here’s some more on the websites u can download videos from with this Tunebite app:

John asks…

Would you say this is a safe site to watch movies off of? I’m worried about using a lot of the movie download sites, but really want to see the strangers and I HIGHLY doubt my husband and I will be able to go out and see it so I’m trying to find it online… if you don’t like this site, are there any that have it already that are good/safe?


admin answers:

U should use its one of the best sites

Ruth asks…

Another Gay Movie Download?

If somebody has the movie and can send me a email or something so that i could download the movie that would be great. Its a gay comedy ‘its a gay american pie basically’ Or you could send me a link to a site for me to download it. I tried limewire but that just gave me links to porn and i dont want that. Also it’s very nice if your link is a safe link or download cause i con’t want a virus. 10 points for whoever gives me the good movie. 🙂

admin answers:

You don’t have to download the movie, you can stream it:)

Lisa asks…

Movie sites?

Hi i need a movie webpage where i can download movies for free that is safe and legal


admin answers:

If it’s free then it’s illegal. If it’s illegal, odds are high that it’s not safe. Even if you avoid viruses, you’re running the risk of a lawsuit or criminal charges.

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