Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Joseph asks…

Will Downloading of DriveCleaner clear all evidence I have in my computer?

I often get the following Windows Internet Explorer warning.
” Your computer tracked all your actions and stored the evidence on your hard drive. Anyone could see where you had been on the Internet, the images you had looked at the sites you opened, the movie you had viewed etc., we recommend to Download DriveCleaner to erase all evidence you have on your PCI.” I wish to know whether the downloading will resolve this problem.

admin answers:

Do not download that. Its a trick to get you to buy it. You may want to scan your PC and check for adware/spyware.

All of these are ones that I personally use and all are free.
Try this scan, its free, it removes
I-Worm/Stration · BackDoor.Generic3.GBB and .GBC · Worm/Generic.FX · Exploit.WMF

Spybot – Search & Destroy detects and removes spyware, a relatively new kind of threat not yet covered by common anti-virus applications. Spyware silently tracks your surfing behaviour to create a marketing profile for you that is transmitted without your knowledge to the compilers and sold to advertising companies. If you see new toolbars in your Internet Explorer that you haven’t intentionally installed, if your browser crashes inexplicably, or if your home page has been “hijacked” (or changed without your knowledge), your computer is most probably infected with spyware. Even if you don’t see the symptoms, your computer may be infected, because more and more spyware is emerging. Spybot-S&D is free, so there’s no harm giving it a try to see if something has invaded your computer.

Home of Spybot, Your Digital Identity Protection
SUPERAntiSpyware is the most thorough scanner on the market. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning and Process Interrogation Technology will detect spyware that other products miss! SUPERAntiSpyware will remove ALL the Spyware, NOT just the easy ones!
Easily remove over 100,000 pests such as SmitFraud, Vundo, WinFixer, SpyAxe, SpyFalcon, WinAntiVirus, AntiVermins and thousands more!
Make sure after you download any of these, that you update them.

George asks…

How can I get adobe flash player on my computer?

When i go to my computer freezes on me. Then it won’t let me download it. please help me

admin answers:

Here’s the best way I’ve found to get Adobe Flash Player to install correctly. Follow these directions exactly! You must get rid of all old Adobe Flash Player remnants that are on your hard drive, including Flash Player remnants in your registry. These remnants cause problems installing Adobe Flash Player. First go to the Adobe web site. Find the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller. SAVE the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller download to your desktop! Do not install it from the web site! Now go to your desktop and install and run the Adobe FP Uninstaller. You can close the Adobe web site and go to the CNET web site. CNET is a safe and reliable web site for downloading most free software available. On the CNET web site find the latest Adobe Flash Player and once again, SAVE it to your desktop! Now you can go to your desktop and install the Adobe Flash Player. You should now be able to view movies on Youtube and download music. Hope this information was helpful to you! Good luck!

Michael asks…

What is a site where u can watch movies?

i need to find a site where u can watch movies for FREE,VIRUS FREE,SAFE,GD QUALITY

admin answers:

It will ask you to download zango, butyou dont need too

John asks…

Am I able to watch movies on the internet if my dorm does not allow my computer to be used as a server?

I just moved into my dorm, and I get my internet connection from an ethernet cable so I have to log on to the internet through a school web page, I’m sure anyone that‘s been in college dorm knows what I’m talking about. I was wondering if I am still able to watch movies over the internet, if I am not downloading them. For example a site like has a bunch of online movies that load kind of like a youtube video and play from the site. I don’t want to take a risk and lose my internet connection on the second day of college. Will online movies just not play at all?

admin answers:

I think you’ll be safe with that, but best just ask the … Um… Forgot what they call the person… RA, resident assistant for your floor.

Daniel asks…

whats the best way to download music and movies from the PC?

whats the best way to download DVD movie to the computer or music?whats the safest place to do it? Whats your opinion of lime wire,morphes, excetra?

admin answers:

Tv shows/movie download sites comparison, comments, etc.

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