Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Ruth asks…

How do i put a full movie on my LG Xenon?

i really dont know how so please tell me if anyone knows. . . .

admin answers:

You need to convert the format. I use a free software called Super from / You can download it from this link: / It is difficult to find the free version from the website, and easiest to use the direct link. It works, it’s safe, and it’s free

the whole site doesn’t show up, it gets cut off. It is: erightsoft. /GetFile.php? SUPERsetup.exe all put together as one site

Sharon asks…

is downloading from the piratesbay save?

so there has been some new changes in the pirate bay i heard.that it runs much slower and that there is a new Anonymous download.What does the Anonymous download do?? and is piratesbay still save to download movies,games etc. im not going to say or i did ever download something from the piratesbay site or not.
lol i ment SAFE
plz also explain the anonymous download ty.

admin answers:

PiratesBay is the most safest Torrentz website but I suggest to look for the comments posted by the other users before downloading as sometime it can harm your PC due to virus and the quality of the movies or videos is also good.

Sandra asks…

What is a good free video editor that supports Quicktime MOV. format that you can download online?

I used to have a CoolPix Nixon camera and I’ve been editing videos from it on Windows Live Movie Maker. But for Christmas I got a new Canon Powershot camera and Windows Live Movie Maker doesn’t support the MOV. format of the files from the new camera.

admin answers:

How about three very good freeware video editor programs, Freemake, FileLab, or VSDC? Each is safe, fully functioning, no watermarks, will not ask for money, and are recent releases that are HD (and more importantly Canon MOV) capable.

They are listed in order of increasing capabilities. Freemake provides merging of video clips, and simple editing such as cutting and splicing. It will also automatically upload your video to YouTube if desired. It is also capable of converting your video to just about any video format in existence. FileLab has much more features, such as color correction, title editor, and special effects. FileLab also runs on both PC’s and Macs (no-kidding)! VSDC is an advanced editor, capable of effects such as green screen editing. The following link has more info, but make sure to also view other articles on this site, as they outline other capabilities of these three programs.:

Joseph asks…

How do they find out if you copied a movie to your computer?

You know how at a movies start it talks about illegal distribution/copying of the film could lead to a 250,000 dollar fine of 5 years, how would they find out you copied a movie to your computer, like would they have to come to your house and scan your computer? (By they i mean law enforcement)
Also i am not talking about downloading from the internet, i am talking about having a physical copy of the movie, puttig the disc in a computer, and copying the content from the disc onto the computer and never giving it to anyone else or sellng it

admin answers:

As someone who has downloaded over 2000 movies I say if you download off the right site or use a program to remove ur tracking on the website your safe and still then you would get a warning for copying. Piracy is too popular these days the chances that you would get fined near that much is near impossible

Linda asks…

Where Can I Get a GTA Vice City PC Play Disc iso Without Using PirateBay?

My dad told me that thepiratebay sends viruses on your computer, so where can you get the iso torrent that is NOT on a harmful website like that?

admin answers:

Every torrent site got harmful torrents, it depends what your downloading and how popular it is.

Before downloading a file, check the comments and ratings to see if it’s legit or fake, that’s what I always do and get legit downloads.

Use, it’s one of the best torrent sites and it’s safe if you know what to search for.
I use it all the time, all my games/movies/music/programs I download from there, and i never got a bad file cuzI knew how to search for good files.

Hope I helped!

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