Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Betty asks…

What kind of torrent should i downloads if i wanna download games, movies, music and etc.?

utorrent, bittorrent or pirate bay. pls mention others thet you know andd are safe to donwload
and i also wanna download

admin answers:

UTorrent and BitTorrent are bittorrent clients. Both are good and there are other good ones also.

The bittorrent client does not matter much in terms of finding content, only in obtaining content once the content is found at a search site like PirateBay. PirateBay is a good site, but I prefer torrentz, but that is a matter of personal preference. There are some good search sites listed here:

Thomas asks…

What will happen if i watch films online for free?

not sayin that i do, and i know its illegal, but what actually happens if u do? do the police come knockin on your door or what?
Ta Xxx

admin answers:

Usually its the people that control the site that get busted. Sites that offer file sharing can be worse. If you have a lot of files that you are sharing they may come after you with fines and some jail time. But, for the person who wants to download a movie or two here and there, the biggest problems are spyware, malware, phishing, and all sorts of other viruses that you can get by going on the sites and watching a movie. Remember, you usually can’t get something for nothing. With Redboxes and other ways of getting movies very easily these days I think its much safer to just rent them and avoid all hassels mentioned above.

Steven asks…

Does downloading slow down your computer?

Now I like to download music and other things from time to time and everyone annoys me that it slows down the computer. Anyway does downloading slow down your computer over time even if you delete the stuff you downloaded?

admin answers:

If you download big files, like songs or movies, it’s possible to se a little slow down after time, even After you delete what you have download. And that happen because hard disk become fragment.

But this can happen even when you write and delete things in every day use, so there isn’t just a downloading problem.

Also files you download if there aren’t from a site you can trust they can contain malware (viruses-spyware) and these can slow down your computer.

So to be sure that you can have your PC and hard disk in perfect condition:

A) Create a folder on your hard disk with name “downloads”

B) Put everything you download in this folder

C)Let your anti-virus check this folder before you use anything from it.

D) If you have let it check the folder for spyware (If you don’t have it download it from here: )

E) Defrag your hard disk at least once every 15 days
and you can keep your PC in good condition.

Happy HHolidays

Nancy asks…

how do you download games and songs into an iphone?

does anyone know how you can go online and download songs and games into an iphone? can you give me the exact steps?

admin answers:

Easy, there are ways to pay and ways to get them free. There are also membership sites which offer safe downloads of iphone games, music ,movies etc etc. Check out the link below it is an iphone blog i read lots of good info on there.

Ruth asks…

More effects on Windows live movie maker?

I like to make videos but the only editing software i have is windows live. I know how to work it and i know every feature on it. But i would like to add more effects to videos. Is there any possible way i would be able to get better, and more, effects?

admin answers:

Unfortunately, there aren’t as many additional titles, effects and transitions for WLMM as for the earlier versions because Microsoft didn’t release the code to developers;-( Those listed at this link are all there are so far as the wonderful guys who’ve developed for past versions work hard to develop new things that will work with Windows Live MM.

If you have Windows 7, you can download and install the Vista version (6.0) of Movie Maker that has a lot more add-ons. You don’t have to uninstall WLMM. Because WLMM has some functions that earlier versions don’t have, some people keep and use both versions. The author of the v6 Windows 7 installer, Blaine, is one of the guys who are doing so much to create additional, fun add-ons for Movie Maker. Downloads from his site are clean and safe. (I’ve downloaded many of his creations.)

Here’s a listing of add-ons for the Vista version. And there are many more custom add-ons that Movie Maker users have requested in the forums at
(Notice that this forum’s moderator, “considerate guy”, is Blaine.)

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